chapter 14

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The next day the boys woke up but something different happened...
Justin,Ryan, Oliver turned into girls...but how?... And the rest of the boys regie,Seb, Darren were confused...(🤔 btw guys I gotta ask you something "are you jasmine just remove the 'jas' jk-) anyway onto the story

Oliver) AHHH?!?!

Regie woke up-

Reg) baby what's wro- AHH!?! WHO ARE YOU?!?

Oliver) it's me Oliver...idk how this happened?!?

Ryan and Justin screamed too and everyone went downstairs

Seb, Darren, reg sat down and wanted a explanation and the boys had to change into girl clothes so they could be more comfortable  (also Kane is at the mall with some girl just saying and ty,bae, angel all had to go do something like a meeting yk but yeah)

Oliver) look we don't know what happened?!?

Ryan and Justin told the boys we don't know how this happened but we're gonna see how long it last

Seb couldn't keep his eyes off of Ryan

Ryan) Seb my eyes are up here?!?

(Btw this might be Sebryan chapter of Ryan as a girl idk I'm not sure yet)

Darren) Seb stop being a simp

Seb) bro be quiet because every time Justin not looking at you you take a glance at him so I wouldn't be talking and plus it's not my fault Ryan's attractive as a girl

Ryan blushed a little

Regie) okay guys calm down we're just gonna see how long this is gonna last for now we're just gonna do the normal things we do and just relax

All the boys agreed

Sebryans room

Ryan sat down on the bed and played a game on his phone (gamer Ryan 🙈we Stan anyways-) 

Seb just laying on the bed and editing a video

Ryan was hungry so he got up and went down stairs to the kitchen and Seb followed

Seb) ry ry do you wanna cook some ramen?

Ryan) sure Sebastian

Seb POV) s-sebastian?...did I do something wrong?.....

Ryan) sebastian? Sebastian??

Seb) huh oh- sorry I was thinking about something my bad..

Ryan) oh no it's okay sebastian!

Seb faked a smile

They were both cooking until...

Seb) RYAN ARE YOU MAD AT ME?!? Seb started to cry a little

Ryan sat there in shocked

Ryan)no why do you think I'm mad at you?

Seb) you called me sebastian....

Ryan)....Seb I didn't think you would mind me calling you sebastian so I just called you sebastian I'm not mad at you...

Seb)......well don't call me sebastian... please I thought you were mad at me......

Ryan) okay sebby I wont call you sebastian I'm sorry love...

Seb kissed Ryan (oooo🙈)

Seb)it's okay baby.

They finished the ramen and sat down next to each other and ate there food then went back up to there room watched a movie and cuddles and goes to sleep.

(Sorry I know this is short also do you guys have any ideas I need I ideas my mind is going blank 🙈😭)

Northstarboys (Sebryan,jarren, Olige). (jokes ofcs)Where stories live. Discover now