chapter 19

358 5 13

Idea by: lemonadeKass

Thank you everyone for the ideas I appreciate all you guys I really do thank you thank you anyways on to the story 🌚🤞 heheh 🤭





Today the boys were gonna go to the park and just hangout and get out of the house for a bit y'know 🌚all the members were happy and just excited to go to the park because they haven't been to the park for awhile but one member was having a problem Oliver Moy...he loved Reggie with all his heart but he thinks he's catching feelings for another member....Kane ratan...and Kane was single but for some reason Oliver has been feeling something...and doesn't know what to do...but Oliver not the only one with a problem... sebastian and Ryan had got into a argument...and sebastian was of course upset and so was Ryan and Ryan is fine now because when they go to the park Ryan gonna get Seb off his mind...

In Oliver room

Oliver was sitting down on his bed thinking about his feelings for Kane and everything until he was interrupted by his brother..

Seb) oh hey oli wyd?

Oli) nothing just thinking about something...

Seb) ah okay well if you need anything bro I'm here for you

Seb got up and was about to walk away until

Oli) Wait actually! I need to talk to you about something..

Seb went back to oli and sat down

Seb) sure anything wsp?

Oliver) so basically I think I'm catching feelings for Kane even though I love Reggie and I don't know what to do Seb and everything is driving me crazy and stuff and I don't know what to do and I don't know if I like Kane or not it's just something crazy...

Seb was shocked

Seb) i- um...are you sure your catching feelings for Kane?..

Oliver nodded "yes"

Seb)...oli I think the best thing to do is express to Kane and just tell him that you like him even though you probably don't why don't you tell him right now but Regie cannot know about this because if he does we know what's gonna happen....

Oliver) yes I know I think I'ma go to lanes room and break it too him thank you brother and also go make up with Ryan I can't stand him to see him sad please Seb!

Seb) yes yes ik ik

They both walked out of the room and Oliver heading to kanes room and Seb heading downstairs to his boyfriend on the couch to go make up (make out- 🙀hehehe 🤭 I'm innocent 🤗 ummm anyways-)

Kanes room

Kane was just on his bed sitting down blah blah yeah- and then Oliver came in and say down by Kane

Kane) he-

Oliver) Kane I love you more than a friend and I think I was catching feelings for you but the best thing to do was tell you and now that I'm telling you I know now that I don't have feelings for you it was just my body and please don't hate me please your one of my bestfriends were like brothers but I don't want anything to ruin our friendship and please do not tell regie I don't want to ruin anything with him im Sorry kane..

Kane)ummm it's okay oli I was so shocked and surprised but at least you don't have feelings for me because I don't wanna cause a problem with regie but thank you for telling me.

Oliver smiled and hugged Kane after that the boys got ready and went to the park and Ryan and Seb made up the boys were playing at the park and Darren was chasing Justin because Justin threw water on him and the boys are all playing around and having a good time y'know being themselves.

//Okay sooooooo hope y'all liked it I know it was kinda short it's just I got busy with some things and my ex gf- but that's about it hope y'all had a good day,get some rest y'know,be positive and be safe y'all,drink and eat,you gotta stay healthy bye stars! 🤗//

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