Chapter 3

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Rrrriinnng! Rrrriiing!

I shifted slightly, stirred awake at the sound of Lyra's pokégear. She must've left it here after she left. I rolled my eyes, a smile making its way onto my face. Every time she came up the mountain, in the middle of the day or night, in the fine weather or heavy snow, she would leave something behind. Last time it was her Umbreon's pokéball, and the time before that she forgot her hat. How you forget that pillow of a thing was beyond me. She would always retrieve them the next time she came up though.

Rrrriinnng! Rrrriiing!

I shook myself, waking up a little further, and reached across the cave floor to where the pokégear sounded from. The screen was lit up an aqua colour, a small icon blinking in time to the rings. I sighed, picking it up

"I'm Blue;" came the voice through the tinny speaker. "Man, this guy called Red brought me down in a heartbeat. I haven't seen him in a long time..."

I drew the pokégear away from my ear, staring at it in shock. Lyra had Blue's number? It seemed like she had everyone in the two regions.

"I wonder where he is and what he's up to...Come to think of it, you look a little bit like Red. Yeah, you do. Just...Just a little bit. Whatever..."

Hey Blue." I replied, smiling slightly. Regardless on if I called everyone or not, I did miss talking to them. Well, more of hearing them.

"Wha-Red?!" He yelled. "Red? You have Lyra's pokégear? How does that make any sense? Red, where's Lyra? Where are you for that matter? Why haven't you contacted anyone?"

"Uhhh..." I shifted awkwardly.

"Hey! Red! Sorry I got held up! Grace was having trouble against a Quagsire, but I'm here now!" Lyra's voice echoed around the cave. She appeared in the doorway across from me, a red Gyarados trailing along behind her. I tilted my cap in greeting, before holding up her pokégear.

"Thanks!" She said, skipping across the room, grabbing it from my hand.

"Lyra." Blue called. "I think you should explain something to me."

"Oh, heya Blue. When didja call?"

"Just before. Red answered."

"Do you mean he spoke?" Lyra looked at me. "He never does to me. In the months that I've known him, I've heard one word from him and that was 'Thunderbolt'." She pouted. I shrugged back at her.

"Red doesn't speak that much to anyone," Blue chuckled. "Not even his mother."

"Yeah, she told me about that..."

"Well, I've gotta go. Talk to you soon, Lyra. Smell ya Later Red!"

Beeeeep..... beeeeep.....

Lyra stared at the pokégear in her hand for a minute, before tucking it into her pocket.

I raised an eyebrow. After all that, we never followed up with an explanation. I was thankful for that.

"Red," She started. "I found out from your Mother that it's your birthday next week."

I cringed.

"And I won't be able to visit for a li'l while."


"I'm going to Hoenn for a visit with Ethan's family. Lance is taking care of the Pokémon League while I'm gone. But that isn't the point." She dismissed the last comment with a wave of her hand.

So what is? I thought.

"I got you a present. Here." She handed me a box wrapped in yellow paper, tied up with a white bow. I untied it, letting the paper fall away, revealing a red pokégear. "You do know there are only three colours, right? Blue, pink and white. I hadta get that custom made for you. Anyway, it only has a few numbers. There's Blue, your Mum, Me, and Professor Oak. None of them but me knows you have it, so they can't call you. You can call them though."

I picked up the red device, flipping the top up. The frame of the screen was framed by an Eevee, Pikachu, and the Kanto starters. I smiled. "It's nice." I murmured. Lyra punched the air.

"I got you to speak!~ I got Red to speak!~" She sang "Ooh! It's also the newest model, so it can do video calls! I'm gonna get mine upgraded so it can as well! Oh, and don't even think about deleting the numbers. I know what yours is and I can call you whenever I please."

I smiled. "Don't worry, I won't."

"You're talking more and more!" the girl cheered. "Grace, didja hear that?"


Rrriiinnnggg! Rrrrriiiinnggg!

I didn't bother looking at my pokégear to see if it was mine ringing. I knew it couldn't be.

"Yes?" Lyra answered cheerfully, changing it onto loudspeaker.

"Hey, Lyra," Ethan's voice came through. "The times for our departure got changed."


"We're leaving early tomorrow. You should get home and pack."

"Arceus! Red, sorry, I gotta go!"

"Red, the legendary trainer?" Ethan asked. "The one no one has seen in over two years?"

"That's the one!" Lyra chirruped. "See ya in a bit Ethan!" She pressed the end call button, slinging the lanyard over the neck as she searched in her bag. "Ah, here we go! Grace, I need you to return." She returned the hulking pokémon into its capsule, and placed it back in her bag, grabbing out another one. "Sandy, come on out!" Lyra sent out a Sandslash. Catching my eye, she shrugged. "Original name, I know, but I sorta had a mental blank at the time. Anyway, Dig!"

"Slash slash Sandslash!" The pokémon nodded, starting to drill into the cave wall. Moments later, a shallow cave was dug, and Lyra started to follow her pokémon down the made path.

"I'll see you in a few weeks!" she waved, just as the path started to fill in with dirt again. "Bye, Red!"

And she was gone.

"Bye, Lyra." I said, almost to myself. I was alone again, in the quiet caves of Mount Silver.


You know how I said there was gonna be a final pokemon introduced? I lied. There were two.

Gyarados, Grace and

Sandslash, Sandy [I don't actually use her though, she just sits in my PC]

Apparently this fic now has a plotline. Whoops. [And now that I think about it, to have average chapter lengths, I should split chapter 1 into two parts...]

Well, until next time!

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