Chapter 1

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sucky blurb is sucky. yay.

I was trying to work on my onomatopoeia and pokespeak, and I was bored, so this happened. I feel like it's good enough to be published on here so... read. enjoy.


Tap, tap, tap.

The sound of footsteps reaches me above the roaring wind.

Tap, tap, tap.

I nearly turn around, curious to see who would come here, especially in the middle winter.

Tap, tap, t-

They stop. A slight gasp echoes around, and I know that they have seen me, and know who I am. A slight rustling causes me to turn my head, pulling my cap down to stop the snow from blinding me. Through the mass of white, I see the figure of a young girl, large hat held tightly in one hand, and a pokéball in the other. Her hair was blowing wildly in the wind, her petite frame somehow holding its own. I pulled out a pokéball questioningly, not moving any closer. Neither did she for a couple of moments, before she made out what I was doing. And then, she spoke. Most of her voice was carried down the mountain, but some faintly reached my ears.

“No.” A single word, yet filled with many more.


The sound of a pokéball opening, and a giant figure filled in the space between us. It gave a loud cry, before taking off, the girl on its back, leaving me alone once more.


Tap, tap, tap.

I start, surprised at the sound.

Tap, tap, tap.

I know it’s her. But why would she come back? In the middle of the night no less.

Tap, tap, ta-

I turn around, confused at to why she would stop. I am greeted with a view of her, not blocked by the snow. I raised an eyebrow at her overall appearance, amused by the fact that she probably wears something of the like all the time. It wasn’t generally suited to this sort of weather, with short overalls over a red long-sleeved shirt, long, white socks, almost reaching the top of her shorts. Swinging off her arm was a yellow bag, not unlike mine, currently in the snow beside me. And on her head… a… hat? What seemed like a white pillow was perched on her head, adjourned with a large, red bow. I couldn’t help but smirk at all of this, and pulled my cap down over my face to hide it.

“Well?” she said, placing her hands on her hips. Almost comically, the Feraligatr standing behind her did the same. “I’m ready. Red of Pallet Town, I challenge you to a battle!” I nodded once, reaching down to my belt and selecting a pokéball. Releasing the pokémon inside.

Pika!” Pikachu cried indignantly, leaping away from the snow at his feet. I seldom let him out in the cold, due to him not liking it, but certain times called for certain measures. I pointed to the girl, and, glancing over, Pikachu grinned, electricity flying from its cheeks.

“Felicity, Give it your all!” the Feraligatr behind her stepped forwards, lowering itself into a battle stance.


“Oh Dear Arceus!” the girl shrieked, staring at me, mouth agape. I looked at her confusedly. “You- you spoke!” I raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised at the fact that she wasn’t paying attention to the battle at hand. “Hey… where did Felicity go?” I sighed, jabbing a thumb down the mountain as Pikachu leapt onto my shoulder. She ran to the edge, peering over the side, trying to catch a glimpse of her pokémon as it fell down the summit. “Oh Mew… umm…. Can we… sorta… umm… postpone this battle?” she cringed, turning to me. I nodded, absentmindedly stroking Pikachu as she mumbled. “Great! Umm… Lugia! I need you!” Calling out another one of her pokémon, the giant figure I had seen a few days ago take off with her. Lugia, a legend, and she caught it? “Felicity!” she yelled, clambering onto the flying type. “I’ll meetchya at the pokecenter! ‘kay?!” and with that, she was gone.

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