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DESPITE THE TEASES from Mina, Floriana proudly held onto the hand made sign for Eduardo as they made their way into the stadium. The sign was decorated with glitter glue, hello kitty stickers, and a printed out picture of the french midfielder drinking a matcha latte from their 'date' the week before. She had written 'Cheering for you and matcha lattes' in a pink marker which she had google translated.

The last game of the season and the last game at the Bernabeu meant the stadium was packed and all the wives, girlfriends, children, and other family of the players sat near the front. Floriana had no problem with being seated with them. She easily made conversation with them. The only problem was that many assumed she was dating Eduardo.

"Oye, people are gonna think you and Edu are dating." Mina says in a teasing tone once she realizes that the younger girl wasn't wearing the Valverde jersey which she usually wears.

"Oh, come on, we're friends!"

"You guys aren't dating?" Daphne, Dani Carvajal's wife who was sitting next to them, asks in confusion as she turns to them.

Mina lets out a laugh in response as she shakes her head. "No! Surprisingly! I wish they were, she needs to work on her love life."

"But you guys are so cute together, I assumed you were dating from how you were acting at Mina and Fede's house that night for dinner."

Floriana started to turn red at the memory of that night. She lets out a sigh, trying to hide the smile appearing on her lips. "No, we're just- just friends."

Mina and Daphne didn't fail to notice the blush on her face. They were starting to tease her but the starting line up was already making their way out to start the game.

Eduardo seemed to be looking in their direction. Daphne leans in close to younger girl and whispers as they all stood up, "He's looking for you!"

A wide smile appeared on Floriana's face as she waves around, holding up the sign she made. He managed to see her from afar and lets out an entertained laugh from the sight of her.

Mina and Daphne share a look at Floriana and Eduardo's interaction. They knew that what they felt for each other- or at least what she felt for him- was a lot more than platonic.


"EDU! YOU DID AMAZING!" Floriana yells as she runs towards the French midfielder after making her way into the pitch. "What an amazing assist! Look at you!" She happily adds once she was finally in front of him.

The last game of the season ended positively for Los Blancos. Eduardo even assisted Vinicius in a grand goal which had her screaming and cheering loudly for him.

"Flor! There you are!" He exclaims and without thinking, he pulls her into a tight hug. She lets out a laugh as she gives him a tight squeeze.

Once he lets go, she proudly holds up her sign. "Told you I'd make a sign." She says with a proud smile.

"And you're wearing my jersey? Wow." He says as he makes a shocked face.

"Duh, I'm your biggest fan! I even listened to that one Merci les bleus song to hype myself up."

"Did you sing in French?"

Floriana's lack of words cause Eduardo to burst into laughter. She dramatically gasps and holds her hands up. "Hey! I don't speak French and you know that!"

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