viii. MIGNON !

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camavinga posted to their story !

floriavila responded to your story !

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floriavila responded to your story !

no u want me soooo bad

funny joke!!!


focus on ur french 🤨

ur being a bad teacher!
posting me instead of teaching me!

you weren't even trying to learn😒
you we're looking at cat videos, i
saw you🤣🤣🤣

ok but now im ready to learn🤓🤓

when the server comes ask for
another lemonade thx

definitely gonna steal some of
ur lemonade

go write down numbers 1-10
in french then we'll talk 😁


"THERE YOU GO." Floriana says with a proud smile as she shows Eduardo what she had written in her notebook. Much like his request, she had written down the numbers 1-10 in French and even wrote down 'bonjour'

He held back a laugh, scanning over her pink writing. "You're on your way to becoming fluent." He says in a teasing tone as the server came over with the lemonade she ordered for him.

"I know! I'm basically fluent. Like un, deux, trois." [one, two, three]

"Mon Dieu, tu es si mignon." [My God, you are so cute] Eduardo froze for a second, not realizing what he just said. He was internally grateful that he said it in French and not in Spanish or English like how they usually communicate.

Floriana raises her eyebrow and tilts her head to the side. "What does that mean? I only know how to say hello, thank you, and my name is Floriana. You can't pull out other French phrases on me. That's not fair!"

"You'll learn eventually?" He replies in an unsure tone, "You struggle in Spanish too, not too sure about your French skills."

She picks up the notebook and lightly hits him as he lets out a loud laugh. "I will learn! Trust me!" She exclaims with a smile.

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