Limited Time.

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Wei Wuxian knew better than anyone what it was like to be admonished by the masses, he knew exactly what it was like to lose everything only to have to start all over again, but he did not know how to handle this!

He was sitting at the low table in the main hall with Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji, and Lan Qiren. A-Yuan had since been returned to the Lanshi for his classes, something Wei Wuxian reminded himself to question Lan Wangji about later.

But they were all sitting in silence!

Tea had been distributed, but the knots in Wei Wuxian's stomach refused to let him take a sip without gagging. A shame really, he rather liked the tea they served in Cloud Recesses.

Lan Qiren seemed just as prickly as Wei Wuxian remembered, taking small sips of his tea as he glared at the Huli Jing. And Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen only looked at each other, as though they could communicate silently.

Something Wei Wuxian wouldn't put past them.

Clearing his throat, Lan Qiren broke the silence. "Wei Wuxian, we must discuss the details of your stay, along with what has happened."

If Wei Wuxian had been drinking his tea, he had no doubt he would've spat it out by now. (Stay!? Old Master Lan! I had prayed that it would be you to kick me out! What happened to my prickly old teacher who waited for any opportunity to shove me out!?)

Crying to himself in his self-pity, Wei Wuxian looked to his left where Lan Xichen only nodded as he set his teacup down, the natural kind smile he always bore still spreading his lips. "Yes, young Master Wei, could you explain what happened in the Mingshi?"

Half of the Yin Tiger Tally was still in Wei Wuxian's grasp, only now he had hidden it in his sleeve. "I wish I could say I know. It's likely it sensed me and wanted to be returned. Though I still have my own questions."

Gesturing for the man to continue, Lan Xichen nodded. "Please."

A dark gleam overcast his gaze, Wei Wuxian's normal cheery and carefree tone was lost as a serious and dark tone took its place. "Why was half of the Yin Tiger Tally in the possession of a Jin disciple anyway? And what happened to the Wens at the Burial Mounds?"

A tense silence fell at that, none of the Lans present had the answers that Wei Wuxian sought. Something that the fox spirit knew. And something he planned to use for his benefit. "Fine. Tell me why I am here?"

Lan Qiren's glare did not falter, though something in his gaze softened when Wei Wuxian asked this, and the fox spirit almost flinched at such an expression.

Was this truly his same old prickly teacher!?

"Wei Wuxian, you were brought here by Wangji. You were near death and you needed the proper medical attention."

"I understand that, and while this one thanks you for the care, I meant why am I being told to stay?"

Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren looked uncomfortable at the question, neither spoke to answer, and Wei Wuxian didn't know if he should laugh or cry when he looked to his right in hopes Lan Wangji would give him a blunt answer as always.

Instead, the dragon was silent and stone-faced!

After a few moments of unbearable silence, it seemed that Lan Wangji took pity on the poor fox spirit. "Wei Ying is here and will stay here because this is where he will be safe."

Wei Wuxian now truly wanted to cry out in frustration. Instead, he prayed that his old classmate would show him mercy. "Aiya... Lan Zhan, I need to go back to the Burial Mounds. Something has gone wrong there, I already know. Who knows what has happened there in the past few days."

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