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I've already mentioned their pronouns, but here's everyone's height and such!

Sage : Tanned-ish skin. Brunette hair normally in a bun, 5'5 feet tall. Blue eyes. (They optionally have reading glasses) 17 yrs old.

Ivy : Tanned-ish skin. Dirty blonde long hair which is almost always in a ponytail, 5'2 feet tall. Blue eyes. (always with a cloud of makeup on their face.) 15 yrs old. 

Ridley : Pale skin. Shorter than neck-length black hair with blonde strands in the front, 6'5 feet tall with grey/green eyes. 19 yrs old. (also with small vitiligo engulfing their left hand)

Zoey : Pale pink skin. Purple-brown shoulder-length hair with murky brown eyes. 5'4 feet tall. 19 yrs old.

Cal : Tan-ish skin. Short, dark blonde hair which is sometimes pulled into a man-bun, with grey eyes. 6'2. 21 yrs old.

Violet : Black skin. big, poofy hair which is sometimes pulled back with a bandana. Dark brown eyes. 5'4 feet tall. 20 yrs old.

Darcy : tanned-ish skin. Short, bob-lengthed hair with pink hair at the roots. Blue/grey eyes. 5'5 feet tall. 19 yrs old.

Oh, and did I forget to add that Ridley was adopted? 

Silly me.

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