Episode 2: New York, New me

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(First Class)

"Hey, MK. Wake up." Julia shook MK awake.

"AAH! What do YOU want?!" MK rubbed her eyes. She seemed angry that Julia was the first person she saw in the morning.

Julia: "How about me and you form an alliance. Your smarts, my strategy, we can light this place on fire!"

"Whatever. As long as I can have one of your phones." MK smirked.

Julia growled and handed her a phone. "Okay, fine! But you better do whatever I say. Got it?"

"As long as we win, whatever." MK rolled her eyes.

Scott was around the corner and he heard this whole discussion.
 ||Confessional- Scott||

"I gotta find a way to join this alliance. If I leave them unsupervised, they are going to be in the finale in a blink of an eye."


(Economy class)

Sam and B were playing together on Sam's nintendo.

Dakota gazed at Sam. "Isn't he adorable?"

"He kind of looks like me!" Staci pointed out.

Dakota looked over to Staci. "Oh my gosh. You're right! You guys are like siblings."

Dawn watched the two talk.

||Confessional- Dawn||
"I'm happy that both Dakota and Staci are befriending each other. Dakota only has 'associates' and Staci doesn't get out much."

"HEY!" Both Dakota and Staci called from outside the door.


Emma sat with Zoey, Mike and Cameron. "Hey guys! You know, I never understood why Nichelle was on the evil team."

"Probably because she lied about doing her stunts. They are divided by honesty." Cameron said.

"Oh, well you are right about that..." Emma said. "But then why am I on the honest team? If anything, I should be a hare."

"Aww, don't make fun of yourself!" Zoey placed a hand on Emmas shoulder. "Unless you aren't and I just misinterpreted it. If that's the case then-"

"Zoey. You've got to stop second guessing yourself. You're doing okay." Emma reassured.

"Thanks...I really needed to hear that." Zoey smiled.

The intercom called. "Everybody, come to the room you came last time." 

Everybody went to the cafeteria.

"Because team Lions won the last challenge, they win..a parachute."

"What would we need a parachute for?" Caleb asked.

Chris smirked at Chef before pushing all the campers out of the plane, causing them to scream.

"I love my job." Chris laughed from the plane.

The Lions all activated their parachutes.

Nichelle's parachute didn't activate. "HELP! IT DOESN'T WORK! AAAAAH!"

Axel grabbed Nichelle's hand before she could fall any further. "Don't worry, I've got you."

||Confessional- Axel||

"I've decided i'm going to earn enough respect to become the team leader. Being on the teams with the villains it's going to be tough, but I'll manage."


Eventually, they all fell down on some grass.

"Ugh..." Priya said, getting up. "Is everyone okay??"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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