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"Zai fils akuo las di Azra!"

My eyes shoot open at an intake of a sharp breath. It's dark inside the room, the light from the bathroom illuminates the room as my vision becomes clear and the room comes to view.  I blink and try to recollect what happened before I woke up... Oh, that's right, the headmaster got the poison burned out and I blacked out from all the pain and scream.

I move my hands to rub my face from my nose upward and through my hair. I move up to sit and notice I'm still wearing the familiar flannel shirt only it's been cropped, the lower half of the shirt has been cut off and my stomach comes to view. I move my hand to rub the spot and notice the smooth skin there. A big grin covers my face. I'm all healed and it's all good because I don't feel any pain.

Pulling the sheet off my body, I stand up for the bed and stretch my body. God! I feel so stiff like I've been sleeping for weeks. I tilt my head to the side, my neck makes a crack sound. "Stiff indeed." I whisper to myself.

My eyes catches my phone on the drawer beside the lamp. I reach to pick it and tap the screen the twice, and the screen lights up. I see notifications, mostly the calls I've missed and unread messages.

I swipe my thumb against the screen and squint as my eyes zero on the date, it's October sixth and the last time I was with my phone... Last time I checked my phone the date was September thirty, it was a Friday and today is Thursday.

I've been asleep for six day?

Why does this always happen? Why can't I just be unconscious for like a day? Why does always have to be three days and more?

Fuck! I've missed so much. This won't help me. I mean, I resumed two weeks after everyone else and I'm still trying to adjust.

I click on the messaging app and notice I have messages from Alicia and Nate and Jessica. Groaning, I press the lock button without reading any of the messages and toss the phone on the bed before heading to the bathroom. I've been asleep for six day without brushing my teeth or showering, so I guess I'm spending the rest of the day in the bathroom to make up for the time I've lost.

I spend the next hour catching up on bathing, scrubbing my body with the loofah in the bathroom and some body wash that looks like they were made in the eighties. You see, beggar don't get to be the chooser, which is exactly why I need to get to my room as soon as possible.

Wrapping myself in a towel, I return into the room and find the light switch on the wall beside the door. Light fills the room and I go looking for the closet with the hope of getting something to wear, I don't care if it doesn't fit. I find the door that leads to the closet and open it. I enter the closet and blink.

The place looks like no one has been here in a long time yet the floor and surface looks sparkling clean but the clothes are dusty like whoever cleaned it didn't want to mess with the stuff in here. I know no one has been here because the laundry basket is still there, opened filled with dirty clothes and on the table is different dresses laid down. I reach down to touch the dress on top, it dusty like the rest of the clothes.

Shaking my head, I leave the closet and close the door. I can't wear those clothes, I don't know how long they've been sitting there even though they're vintage and pretty.

I close my eyes and whisper, "fuck."

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I march back into the bathroom and discard the towel and pick the white robe hanging on the hook behind the door. I wear the robe and tie the sash before heading out of the room. I tiptoe outside and move the door slowly to avoid waking anyone while I snoop but the sound of laughter makes me straighten my back.

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