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"Is that so?" I ask the man that is polite enough to give me his name, at least I learned something about him.

I may not look it but I'm scared. This takes me to the time when Arihmatheo took me and was going to kill me, I wasn't afraid because a part of me knew that I would survive. Yeah, I was pretty confident that I wasn't going to die but for how long am I going to keep this up. Someone is after my life and given the past occurrence, I know he or she won't give up until I'm dead. I've been lucky and it's only a matter of time before they get to me.

"Yes," he answers, dipping his hands inside his pocket.

"Then you should know that you aren't the first person to try and here I am"–I spread my arms out in a 'look at me' gesture–"still breathing." I'm trying to make a point here and I hope he gets it. I mean he could have killed me but he didn't, instead he brought me here.

"You are correct but I'm the only one that has managed to catch you and have you locked up."

"Fair point. And you didn't catch me, I passed out." I remind him, and I'm guessing he knows about what happened because the knives didn't magical leave my body. He must have pulled it out. "I think the words you were looking for is, I was lucky to see you laying helplessly unconscious on the ground. It's almost like I was waiting for you, begging to be caught."

Helplessly unconscious on the ground? I was laying helplessly unconscious, but what about those men? I mean I only made them sleep, they should be awake and if they're lucky, alive. I've never intentionally used my ravens as a weapon before. I just use them to spy, fly and as a last resort, but these days I've been using them a lot and if I wasn't careful, I would eventually hurt someone like I did back at the game.

They call me the raven because that's what they think I am. My grandmother bonded with her dragon and they are a part of each other. I didn't bond with the ravens but somehow I can conjure dead ones. I can see through their eyes. It's like I can manipulate them but they don't gain anything from me. And everytime I lose control with them, I feel it in my body like how empty I felt after I hurt people at the game against Westhigh. I didn't know them, I don't think I know now but something is going on inside me and I don't know what it is. I never really thought about it until now.

"Karai did a number on you but it wasn't enough to kill you," he tells me, staring out the window. His eyes looks dead, they remind me of that lady.

"Karai? Is that her name?" I ask curiously. I should know the name of the lady that almost killed me. Something's changed about me. I can't explain it but I'm calmer than usual. Last semester, I would have done everything to kick her ass. I was always looking for an excuse to fight, but this semester it's different. I still want to fight people but once the fight comes I just don't fight back and it's starting to get to me. I'm angrier now but it's not doing me any good on the field.

I don't know how much time I used on the island but I know it's long because I learned something. I'm the type of person that loves to show off her skill but these days I'm not doing anything. And I just got back, it's like the action isn't there any more? And the more I try to fight it, the more weaker I get.

"Yes. Karai Khan, a Supernatural Huntress."

That's some news. I just found out that werewolves exist, so yeah, it's only fair that they are supernatural hunters.

"So she's human?" She moved fast and she is skilled with swords and knives. I won't be surprised to hear that she's human. I mean, only a vengeful human would go to that length to take down a supernatural.

He moves his gaze away from the window and stares at me. There's something weird about this guy, I just don't know what it is. "A good swordswoman and an assassin, the best actually." He tells me. Let's hope we face each other again, so we can settle the scores my way. She was lucky the last time.

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