Feasting, Dancing, and Confusion

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Holding tight to Father, I obediently followed him out of the Tower of the Hand as Sansa and Septa Mordane followed us. We crossed through the courtyards and eventually arrived at the Great Hall, where the Iron Throne sat. Entering the hall, I noticed a long table was placed before the Iron Throne, and two other tables rested the room's length. With another breath and a gentle hand pat from Father, we stepped forward as an auditor said, "Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, Hand of the King, Lord Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, accompanied by his daughters, the Ladies Ilyanna and Sansa Stark." We slowly descended the stairs leading into the room and were immediately escorted to the high table before the Iron Throne. Stopping before the throne and the Royal Family, the six of us bowed. Robert smiled and laughed before bellowing, "come sit so we can finally eat."

Standing, I followed Father around the edge of the table. He stopped behind the unoccupied seat to Robert's right while I stopped behind the chair to his right. I moved to settle in the chair before me when a servant approached and pulled the chair out for me. Nodding my thanks, I slipped around the front of the chair and sat down while Sana and Septa Mordane followed suit. Seated, I felt the servant push my chair forward, drawing me closer to the table piled with food. Father sat, and with a bellow from Robert that sounded like a command to eat, the room began to fill with sound.

Father ate and conversed with Robert while Septa Mordane drank and conversed with Sansa allowing me to observe the room while consuming some of the meal before us. Partway through the feast, musicians began to play, encouraging some of the Lords and Ladies to take to the dance floor. I lowered my cup and blinked, surprised to find Renly standing before Father. "With your permission Ned, may I escort Lady Ilyanna to the dance floor?" Wetting my lips, I turned to find Father offering a partial smile to the Lord of Storms End before turning his attention to me. "Ilyanna?" Partially amused, I uttered, "it would be my pleasure to join you for a dance Lord Renly." His smile widened as a servant appeared and pulled my chair back from the table for me. Standing, I slipped from behind the table and walked around the edge to place my hand in his. We bowed to a smirking Robert and a sullen Queen Ceresi before facing Father. "I will return her to you as she is." With a nod, I followed Renly to the dance floor as the musicians prepared another song.

Releasing his hand, I positioned myself beside a group of ladies lined up across from a group of men. With a breath and a drum beat, we curtsied to the men as their returned the gesture with a bow. Standing, the line of women and I stepped forward to begin a slow courtly dance. It wasn't until I had clasped hands with Renly did he say, "I apologize for not saying it earlier, but you look beautiful tonight." Smiling, I uttered, "thank you, my Lord." He smiled as I released his hand to begin the next portion of the dance when I spied Ser Loras standing within the line and Jaime Lannister observing from his post beside Ser Selmy. Looking away, I offered a forced smile to the next Lord that approached to take my hand. The dance continued for a few more moments as I heard Ser Loras and several other men who wrote my Father with a marriage proposal utter how beautiful I looked. Nodding my thanks, I spun away from my current dance partner wishing for a faster pace song. Sadly, the song remained slow as I returned to dance with Renly. "You appear to the bell of the ball, Ilyanna." My cheeks flushed pink at his compliment as he softly uttered, "I would even say you exceed the beauty of our Queen." Shocked, I felt him pull away as the rest of the court joined us to dance.

The musicians began another song as my current partner spun me. Laughing, I turned, forcing the skirts of my gown to rise above my satin slips. With the spin complete, I blinked, finding Jaime Lannister standing before me with his hand outstretched. Cautious, I placed my hand in his as he spun me around. Shifting my weight, I reached out and put my hands on his shoulders as he placed his hands upon my weight. He lifted me with a light bounce before lowering me to the ground. On the tips of my toes, I rocked back before skipping around him in time with the other ladies. "So you are familiar with the court dances of the South." I turned my head as Lannister watched me. "My Septa and mother would be poor teachers if they did not instruct me in the dances of the court." He hummed as I stopped before him and lifted my right arm while he followed suit. We crossed arms as he led me through the following steps. "They taught you well."

Nodding, I lowered my right arm and raised my left before leading him into the next steps. "I thought, as a member of the Kingsguard, you would be on duty. Why are you not stationed with your brothers?" His cheeky smile grew before he said, "Selmy allowed me to partake in the evening festivities as a member of House Lannister rather than a member of the Kingsguard." I rolled my eyes as I lowered my arm and placed them on his shoulders. With his hands settled upon my waist, he lifted me as I assisted with a light bounce. "You disagree?" With me on my feet, I uttered, "you merely asked to dance with me to avoid further interactions with Ser Loras or any other suitor that has recently written to my Father." He raised an eyebrow and asked, "why would you think that?"

Breathing out, I skipped around him, saying, "I know you somehow accessed my rooms in the Tower of the Hand and placed a hundred vases of Winter Roses inside." Coming around him, I lifted my right arm while he mirrored the action. "Now, why would I do that?" Annoyed, I spat out, "because you enjoy tormenting me." Lowering my arm, I curtsied and uttered, "excuse me, Ser Jaime, but I would like to rest." Before he could speak, I slipped into the crowd of dancers leaving him to watch. I returned to the high table, and with a whispered request, Father agreed that I could retire earlier than expected. Grateful, I began walking around the edge of the room to where I spied Jory speaking with some other knights and lords competing in the tourney. "Jory?" He glanced at me and bowed his head along with his companions. "Would you mind escorting me back to the Tower of the Hand?" Nodding, he excused himself from his company before leading me out of the Great Hall.

Neither of us spoke as we walked back to the tower. Ascending the circle steps, I motioned for him to wait for me as I checked on a sleeping Arya before continuing to my room, where Lehna was tending to the dying fire. "Thank you, Jory." With another bow, he left as I closed the door behind him. "Did you enjoy the feast, my Lady?" I shrugged as I approached my vanity to find the room lacking the number of Winter Roses, excluding the vase of crimson and blue roses. "It was memorable."

Nodding, she approached and began to assist me in preparing for bed. "Taria took the last vase of roses out moments ago to ensure they were scattered about the tower." Grateful, I placed my earrings into my small jewelry chest while she removed the torque and replaced it with my pendant. "Can you let Taria know that I appreciate her assistance in removing them?" Lehna nodded as she unwound my hair. "Do you have a preferred gown to wear on the morrow?" I shook my head no as my hair fell along my back. Standing, I felt the gown loosen as I unconsciously brushed my fingers over the petals of crimson roses.

When the garment began to fall about my arms and waist, I pulled my fingers back to assist Lehna in helping me change. We successfully removed the copious amounts of garments a few moments later, allowing me the opportunity to slip into a lilac sleep gown. Dressed, I turned and approached my turned-down bed as Lehna gathered my clothing. Stepping into my bed, I said, "thank you and goodnight, Lehna." She nodded before repeating, "goodnight, my Lady," before leaving me alone. Breathing out, I laid my head on the feather pillow and closed my eyes, praying for pleasant dreams.

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