The Lioness Captures the Wolves

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With the rise of the sun, dressed in a simple gown of greenish-blue with my dagger tucked into the right sleeve, I moved about the rooms we occupied, gathering things that required packing. I was partway through gathering our household books when I heard someone stomping toward me. Lifting my gaze, I barely had a moment to sign as Sansa swiftly uttered, "Ilyanna, can you not convince Father to let me stay." Holding the books to my chest, I observed her momentarily before saying, "have you packed?" She blinked and shook her head before saying, "I will not pack until I am certain Father will not relent and allow me to remain." Rolling my eyes, I handed the books I held to a staff member, saying, "please be careful with these." The young man nodded before hurrying to put them away as I turned to face Sansa. "Sansa, I do not know what you think I can do to convenience him to allow you to remain, but he will not listen to me."

Turning, I moved to continue gathering more items that required careful packing as she hastened in front of me. "I am sorry for what I said, but you must..." "I must what?" She gapped as I handed the items to Lehna before saying, "they can be given to Poole." She nodded and uttered, "of course, my Lady," before hurrying away to carry out my request. "You forget that I have tried to urge Father to a path that will leave us safe. He has decided that my suggested path is less safe than I believe, and we will do as he wishes." "But, your, his darling girl. He will..." I shook my head no. "This is his decision, Sansa. He will not deviate from it." Walking around her, I continued collecting our things, saying, "please do not linger and forget to pack your things." She huffed and stomped out of the room. Breathing out, I continued gathering items that required careful packing.

Roughly around midday, I finally returned to my room after assisting Arya in packing. Entering my room, I discovered that Lehna was neatly packing my trunks. Grateful for her assistance, I moved to assist when she uttered, "she rode out before first light. I assumed she reached the camp by midday." Nodding, I gathered a few pieces of clothing and began to fold them while uttering, "do you think she would be back by nightfall?" Lehna took the items and gently rested them in my trunk, saying, "if she is not held long, I expect so." Relieved that I urged Taria not to linger for a response, we resumed packing until a knock startled us.

Curious, I approached and opened the door to find Father on the other side. "Father, my apologies. Lehna and I had finally begun packing my things, and I was not aware that you..." He softly muttered, "it is fine, I merely wished to speak with you before supper." Nodding, I held the door open as Lehna curtsy before returning to packing. "Where is your other handmaiden?" Lehna hesitated as I uttered, "assisting Septa Mordane. Are you still in agreement that they may travel with us?" He observed the room with a nod before saying, "they will be a great help to your sisters and you during your journey home." Nodding, I turned to ask if he required my assistance, only to find him observing the vase of wilting blue roses. "Papa?" He glanced at me and uttered, "you have grown since we left Winterfell." Uncertain, I asked, "I had to look after...." Shaking his head, he muttered, "You have grown into the young woman I had hoped you would be. I finally see that you have inherited the best pieces of your Mother, and me, my darling girl." Embarrassed, I muttered, "I do not feel like I have."

Sighing, he turned and observed me. "You have a caring heart, like your aunt, but unlike her, you guard it like your mother did." Reaching out, he cupped my cheek and brushed his thumb over the curve of my sharp cheekbone. "The moment you were placed in my arms, I swore I would not allow you to follow Lyanna's path. That I would guide you, and when it came time for you to marry, it would be for your benefit and not for our house." I reached up and touched his hand. "What is wrong?" He breathed out. "I fear that you may have been right about coming South." Concerned, I squeezed his hand. "Right or not, I am a Stark of Winterfell. The ice and snow of our home lives in me. I will not allow my sisters or me to suffer my aunt's faith." Breathing out, he kissed my forehead before pulling me into a secure embrace. "Be smarter then me, my darling girl. Protect and guide your sisters. Ensure you are one step ahead of the others that wish to harm us." I nodded, squeezing him as I whispered, "I know, Papa. The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives." With a rueful grin, he kissed my head and left me alone with Lehna to resume packing.

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