Destiny Fulfilled

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didnt put too much details bcs ya know im too lazy

your pov

'I were meditating in my temple when my eyes suddenly start glowing.. that when I saw Monkey king was fighting with a black monkey?but I notice that he didn't look normal he was sighed and think to myself'

"I think this is my time to shine~"

'I teleported on a building to watch as my tails waggeing,I saw that Monkey king looked normal aging but...who was that boy holding his staff?meh its not important as I saw they handled everything'
«I thought to myself»
"but I really wanted to help..I know I could do something to help!"
'when I heard them shouting

'I teleported on that huge staff as I saw everyone looking at me I didnt give them much attention as I start doing a spell on the staff as the staff had a red electricity around it,I gived the brown hair boy a nod he looked at me suprised but I felt like he trusted me than I teleport aging to come closer to him..he smiled to me'

3 pov


'as LBD Scream"NO!!you will not take my destiny FROM ME!!"as you whispered to yourself"jezz why are she so obsessed with destiny''
as everyone shouted

back to your pov

'everything went white as I saw the brown hair boy talking to LDB I didnt give much attention to what they said because I was exhausted.
as LBD disappear I catch up to the brown hair boy and catch him before he could fall,as you two landed safe I but him gentley on the ground as I see everyone staring at me with Shocked'
"uhhm did I came in a wrong time?" I smiled a goofy smile at them as I saw a black hair man walking to me with amusement face he pushesthe brown hair boy as he shouts


god when he shouted like this I felt my ears were bleeding I really wanted to teleport put I spend all my powers on that spell
"uhm..I didn't really aaa....thinks that anybody know me..b-but could you uhhm..stop shouting..please?"I smiled the same goofy smile
the black hair man apologize to me as the brown hair boy came again to me
"are you really the nine tails lady fox?!why did you help us?how did you know blablabla"
he start to ask punch of questions I couldn't even focus I may freak out in any minute
"uh..kid I really want to answer your questions buutt gotta go bbeeyyy" as I started to run someone catch me from one of my tails och that hurt so bad..I turned my head and saw Monkey king
"not until you answer us some questions"
I freaked out and giggles god I looked so stupid
"hahaha Monkey sir aa mr King uhmm Monkey mister"
I thought to myself for a moment
why the hell I said that its so stupid
I saw Monkey king looking at me holding his laugh

time skip
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'you were with the other up on a mountain eating noodles, you were sitting next to Mk, Wukong and Macaque as you were lost in your thoughts the other was fighting on Mk's noodles, Macaque spoke to Mk
"you're done with that right"
Mk moved his bowl of noodles away from Macaque's face
"well acutely I-
he was cutting of by Wukong grasp Mk's noodles
"he was savings that for me!cuz ya know im his mentor!!"

Mk's smile disappear

you spoke
"ugh guys could you be quiet for a one minute?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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