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"Zane don't be rude, give the lady a chance to speak" Emma said walking up to Zane who was insulting an elderly woman in front of her boat house "I tried to tell him that" Alex said walking up to the two "I think I got what I wanted. Emma, what's going on?" Sophia asked walking up to the three "Zane is harassing this poor lady" Emma said side eying the boy "even for you Zane that's an all time low" Sophia said shaking her head.

"Hey Sophia, it's been a while I really like your hair" Alex said scratching his neck nervously "thank you, anyways Zane leave the woman alone" Sophia said pushing him back "tsk, let's see what the harbour master thinks, come on Alex" Zane said walking away "see ya" Alex said waving off Sophia as she just ignored him "don't worry he's all talk" Emma said to the old woman "most of the time" Sophia mumbled under her breath "thank you Emma, Sophia" the woman said surprising the two "come aboard" she said holding her hand out for the two.

"Thank you" Emma and Sophia both said collecting the glass of ice tea from the woman "your her" Emma said "that's perceptive" the woman said "the woman that's always telling Cleo about the full moon" Sophia said "it's nice to be talked about" The woman said "she never told us you lived on a boat" Emma said "I didn't tell her I was a Capricorn either but that's another tail" the woman said making the two uncomfortable.

"Miss Chatham" the harbour master called out walking to her boat "Zane is completely unbelievable" Sophia said as they walked out "ah Mr. Hendricks would you care for some iced tea?" Chatham asked playing ignorance "you know why I'm here miss Chatham, it's about the complaints we've received" the man said "sorry I tried to stop him" Alex said staring at Sophia who was using her palm to block the sun "why are you doing this? You can't throw her out" Emma said walking up to the harbour master "uhm, someone call the hospital" Sophia said kneeling beside the unconscious Chatham.

"You'll be alright, so you want me to come to the hospital with you?" Emma asked as people dragged Miss Chatham away "they want my treasure, don't let them get my treasure" Chatham said now away from hearing distance "I didn't mean to give the old buddy a heart attack" Zane said "maybe you should tell her that" Emma said walking away "honestly Zane someday I'll slap you for all the trouble you cause" Sophia said shaking her head disapproving "I did try to stop him" Alex said.

"You've said that 3 times, I hear you so shut up" she said walking away "is that the type of chicks your into? The ones that disrespect you" Zane asked "all her insults are well deserved I thought she'd be even angrier but she's not" Alex said watching her walk away.

"The ambulance guy said it couldn't be more serious, she's still taking her medication" Emma said explaining the situation to Cleo, Rikki and Lewis "poor lady" Cleo said "her names Miss Chatham" Sophia said "is she that weird old lady that lives on the boat?" Lewis asked "yea that's her" Emma said "how do you know her?" Rikki asked "no I don't I've just heard about her, she lives on that lake old reck, no friends no family all alone" he said "she's the one that seems to know about the full moon and our powers" Emma said "did you ever tell her our names Cleo?" Sophia asked "no why'd you ask?" Cleo asked "today was our first time meeting her and she knew our names off the bat" Sophia said.

"Some people say she's a witch" Lewis added "And if they said she was an Easter Bunny would you believe that?" Rikki asked "There was a time I didn't believe in mermaids either." Lewis said as Cleo and Sophia agreed with him "valid point, I'll give you that" Sophia said.

Next day

"Sorry we're late" Cleo said entering Emma house only to spot Miss Chatham on the couch "wow" Sophia said walking towards her friends "you brought her here?" Rikki asked once Miss Chatham and Emma mom were out of hearing range "what could I do, the harbour master wants to removed her boat from the marina, he said she can't stay there" Emma said "you do know there are organisations that deals with homeless people right?" Sophia asked "she's got a point, plus Miss Chatham know about us she could say something to your parents" Cleo suggested as Emma brushed her off.


"Someone tell me why we're going to repaint the ladies boat" Rikki asked as they walked to the harbour where Miss Chatham boat was "Rikki it's her home we've got to help her" Emma said "your kidding me, it's a pile of junk" Rikki said "literally, you can't even sell scraps of it because it's too old can it even run?" Sophia asked dropping the paint down "a little paint will do the trick" Emma said "it needs more than paint, it needs a new boat" Rikki shot back.

"Miss Chatham is a lonely person" Sophia said after the woman explained a bit of her history "yea" Cleo said nodding in agreement "I would never wanna turn out like her, lonely with no husband or children" Sophia said typing on her phone "if you don't make up with Alex you just might turn into her" Rikki said sarcastically as their friends laughed "I'm out" She yelled while stepping out the house.

"I saw your message what's wr-?" Sophia asked before stopping mid-sentence "she's gone" Emma said staring at the spot where the woman's boat could be "that's not good, and look at Zane' jet ski" Sophia said pointing at the ski before Zane and Alex walked up to them "dude, that's way worse than a small scratch" Alex said laughing before Sophia smacked his arm "that old bat, she did this"  Zane said walking towards his ski "you don't know that" Emma said "yes I do, come on Alex" Zane said as he and Alex got to his zodiac "knowing Zane he's gonna do something to the old lady" Sophia said as Emma ran towards the juice net hoping to find Lewis there.

"Lewis, we need you actually I need your boat and I need you to drive it" Emma said dragging him out the cafe "what's going on?" Lewis asked as they reached his boat "let's just go" Sophia said getting into his boat.

"It wasn't my fault, I didn't do anything" Zane said as the three reached the boat "shut up" Sophia said slapping him "didn't know she could be violent" Lewis said as Alex grabbed his cheek hoping he wasn't next "where is she?" Emma asked getting on the boat "she's inside" Alex stuttered out.

"Let's get out of here Zane" Alex said after he helped get miss Chatham on Lewis' boat "stay for a bit" Zane said pulling him back "come on let's go" Sophia said "we'll catch up" Zane said entering the boat "there isn't time to argue let's go" Lewis said starting his engine "it seems we're always getting dragged apart every day" Alex said slumping down on the chair "suck it up" Zane said searching the boat.

"what exactly are you even looking for? If it's the treasure she's been babbling about don't even bother, people like her ain't got nothing" Alex said letting out a sigh as he watched his friend search "Let's go" Zane said after figuring out his search was worthless "thank God" Alex said standing up only to later hit his head on the door as the boat began sinking.

"Uh, is the boat supposed to explode and sink?" Sophia asked noticing the smoke "that's not good" Emma said "where's Zane?" Lewis asked not spotting his boat "I don't see him" Emma said "they must still be in the boat, Alex is in there" Sophia said standing up and preparing to dive into the water "you can't, they'll see you" Lewis said stopping her "she doesn't have a choice" Miss Chatham said waking up "make sure she gets to the hospital safely, let's go Sophia" Emma said as the two dove into the water.

"Why are you so calm?!" Zane asked as Alex swam around in the sinking boat "well, I figured this would have happened if I kept following you around" Alex said letting out a sigh "what about Sophia? I thought you wanted to make up with her before you died" Zane asked "...that never crossed my mind" Alex said swimming to the window and trying to break it open.

"What happened?" Alex asked coughing up water "it's alright, your okay now" Sophia said kneeling at his level as zane also woke up "thank-" Alex said attempting to hug her as she moved him away "your wet and your also covered in sand, I don't need that getting in my hair" she said "I'll hug you when I'm cleaned up" Alex said happily "I'll be waiting" Sophia said smiling "so your not mad at me?" He asked as Emma and Zane talked about what he saw "I forgive you, plus you weren't in your right mind when you said that to me" she said standing up and heading towards the Zodiac.

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