1:First encounter

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Words: 945

Wilburs POV:

Wilbur hasn't been out of bed in multiple days, weeks even. Ever since his dad, Phil, went on vacation with his wife he's had no reason to get out of bed, no one to tell him that dinners ready and to go downstairs, no one to invite him to play a boardgame or do some random shit to waste time. So to get straight to the point, he's been pretty depressed the past couple of weeks, he's just had nothing to do and he had so many emotions overwhelming him since he was just in his own head all the time. That was until his big brother Technoblade had invited him to come to the bar with him, let some emotions out, and really just have a nice brother-to-brother conversation.
Here, the brunette was putting on a nice outfit after showering for the first time in days. He finally wasn't stuck in his own filth anymore. He put on his shoes and walked outside to his car before hopping in and driving to the bar that him and techno used to always go to whenever they missed each other.
Wilbur hopped out of his car and locked the door before heading inside. He shot a quick message to technoblade before going in and sitting at one of the front seats in front of the bar area. Minutes later, his brother arrived, and Wilburs' face immidietly grew into a smile. "Tech! I haven't seen you in ages.." Wilbur said, still not being able to pull the smile off of his face. "Willllll, I've missed you, man," He says with his usual monotone voice. "Dad's left me alone in the house for the past two weeks.. It's been absolutely horrible, I've never felt more alone." Wilbur said with a frown as he turned and faced the bartender. "Can I get two strawberry margaritas?" Wilbur said, already knowing that him and techno wanted the same thing. Wilbur quickly went back to his conversation with technoblade and leaned against the counter. "You should've asked to come over. Maybe then you wouldn't have been so damn bored," Techno quickly shot back.
Their conversation came to an abrupt stop once Wilbur saw probably one of the most handsome men he'd ever seen in his life. He saw a sort of short man with a blue beanie on and the prettiest yellow wings he'd ever seen in his life. If he didn't believe in true love at first sight before, he definitely did now. His eyes tore away from the Mexican male once their drinks had been set down, and he thanked the bartender. "What were you looking at? It looked like you've just seen God himself, " Technoblade said, clearly confused. "It felt like I did.." Wilbur said as he went to turn back to the male, but he was already gone. "Fuck..I'd just seen the prettiest man I've ever laid eyes on in my life.." Wilbur said practically drooling over the complete stranger.
"Well go look for him, get his number or something. If you don't shoot your shot, you'll be lonely forever like dream." Technoblade said, laughing at his own joke.
Wilbur got up without saying a word. He'd never felt so confident before in his life. He knew what he was searching for, and he was going to find it. "Yellow wings, yellow wings.." The British mumbled under his breath, searching for the certain someone who stuck out from the crowd due to the bright yellow feathers along his back. Then he stopped, his eyes landed on a raven haired mexican with the softest looking wings, who had been leaned up against the wall, like he was observing everyone in silence. Wilbur had never walked so quickly over to someone, he came and leaned against the wall by him, making sure not to land on his wings.
"What are you doing here?" Wilbur said calmly, praying that he wouldn't scare him off due to his abnormal height and his slightly crazy hair at the moment.
Wilbur looked straight down to the pretty boy and heard an unexpected answer. "I own the place, gotta make sure no ones getting too drunk, right?" Quackity said as if they'd already been friends for ages. Wilburs eyes slightly widened but then nodded. "That makes sense..you really caught my eye ya know. With your bright yellow wings.. they look pretty" Wilbur said as that was his attempt at flirting. Wilburs hand brushed over Quackitys wing that was closer to him and Wilbur immidietly knew that it affected him in some way.
Quackitys back slightly arched and his breath hitched. "Dont- don't touch my wings." Quackity stated sternly as he tried to hide the fact that Wilburs actions made him feel some certain way.

Wilbur couldn't take his eyes of the ravenette at this point, it was like his eyes were glued to him. "Whats your name." Wilbur shot at him as he made eye contact with the shorter man.
"Quackity. L-look, I've got to get to work, I have.. things to do."
Quackity said as he tried to hide the slight blush that was tinted on his face. "I'll see you around.."
Wilbur nodded and gave him a smile. "Wilbur..my names wilbur" The brit said as he watched him walk away. Once he was out of sight Wilbur practically ran to Techno, like a teenage girl needing to talk about some boy she had a crush on. "Technoblade.. he said he'll see me around, that means he's interested right?? Fuck.. im coming back tomorrow." Wilbur said with a pathetic smile across his face.


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