3:Prove it to me

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Wilburs' previous night had almost been identical to the one before that. He spent it jacking off like a horny teenager over some Mexican boy who acted like a prick but also happened to be one of the hottest men he'd ever seen. Not to mention, he also sounded beautiful.
Wilbur woke up with a killer headache. He tore the blankets off of himself and looked at his phone, realizing he still hadn't managed to get Quackitys phone number. "He's so stubborn.." Wilbur said, groaning to himself. He noticed a message from Phil and it was him saying he'd be back home today. Wilbur smiled, happy that he'd finally get to see his dad again.
Should he go to the bar again? It doesn't hurt to try again does it? Wilbur questioned himself over and over again before deciding that seeing Quackity was worth it. He found himself walking out of the door and driving to the bar for the third time this week. Wilbur walked into the bar and just sat down at one of the front chairs, figuring he'd see the boy somewhere around here. Wilbur knew he was here purely for Quackity, he didn't even bother buying a drink this time. All the brit wanted was to see that handsome man. Wilbur fidgeted with his fingers as he looked around the bar carefully. This time Quackity was the one to see him first though. Wilbur jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder and he quickly looked to see who it was. "Came for me again, huh? You really are desperate.." Quackity said with a smile which showed off the gold tooth he had.
"Oh Quackity..you know me so well don't you?" Wilbur teased as he stood up and led Quackity to where there were barely any people. "Quackity- I know I came off as a horny scumbag yesterday but I'm really not just looking to fuck you once and then dip." Wilbur said with his heart as he leaned against the wall and gave the man a sad smile.
Quackity chuckled for a second and wrapped his arms around Wilburs neck, smiling at him. "Prove it to me then, Wilbur." The Mexican said with a sly smirk as he looked up to Wilbur.
Wilbur smiled and wrapped his arms around Quackitys waist, smiling mischievously. "Trust me, I will.. as long as you let me" Wilbur said softly into the other boys ear before before leaning down and nibbling at Quackitys neck. He watched as Quackitys head leaned back and he groaned, clearly enjoying how his neck was being sucked on.
Quackity pulled away and pushed the hair out of wilburs face. "Bar closes in..fifteen minutes.. people should be heading out now, don't move, I'll be right back." Quackity says as he walks around and checks everywhere, making sure everyone was exiting. Sure enough practically everyone was gone. Quackity smiled and walked back over to Wilbur. Quackity wrapped his arms around Wilburs neck and looked up at him with a flirty smile.
Wilbur groaned and lifted the others chin up, pulling him into a deep, loving kiss that they both clearly needed. Wilburs hand ran down quackitys wing and used a bit more pressure that usual. Wilbur watched as Quackity groaned and tensed up, letting out a soft moan. "Fuck, wilbur.. what did I say about not touching my wings" Quackity said, clearly in a lot of pleasure. Quackitys dick quickly hardened against wilburs leg as they were against eachother. The ravenette tried pulling away, clearly embarrassed. "Fuck..s-sorry" Quackity said with a big blush across his face.
Wilbur couldn't help but smirk, he shoved his knee inbetween the others legs and slightly pushed against his cock. "Wanna take up my offer from yesterday?.. please, come over.." Wilbur said desperately
Quackity nodded immidietly and groaned, trying to get Wilburs knee away. "Please- take me there wil.."
Wilbur didn't think twice before pulling Quackity out of the bar and letting him get in his car. It was a quick drive, they got there withing a few minutes and both of them were desperate for touch at the moment. Wilbur pulled into a driveway and grabbed Quackitys hand once they got out of the car, both of them still painfully hard. Wilbur pulled quackity into a deep kiss as he unlocked the front door, not daring to disconnect their lips. Wilbur and Quackity walk in, lips connected and arms intertwined with one another, not having a thought in their mind besides eachother.
Well that was the case before they heard a man clear his thought. Wilbur jumped and pulled away, a bit out of breath but now very embarrassed.
"Oh, daddd, how nice to see you.. i-i forget you said you were gonna be back today.."
Wilbur says, as he pulls away from the shorter male. "Were- were gonna be up stairs, I love you.." Wilbur said, clearly very embarrassed since he was just making out with a boy and their both extremely hard at the moment in front his his father.


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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