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Chapter Eleven

    ◎You share a room with Ning Huai◎

    Huh? Chinese? The voice was still a little familiar.

    Gu Zhi temporarily stopped her obsession with the bridge hole and turned around. The man behind him was wearing a black suit with blond hair. He had a standard Western appearance, but spoke pure Chinese.

    Ethan smiled decently: "Miss Gu."

    Gu Zhi was even more puzzled: "You know me?"

    Ethan: ...?

    The boss married his wife more than a year ago, and he was involved in all the big and small things before and after. Why don't you know yourself now? Has it changed so much?

    "I know." Good professionalism kept Ethan from losing his composure, "Our old man is your fan."

    Xuan Bei couldn't help whispering, "Sister Zhi Zhi, do you still have fans?"

    Gu Zhi straightened up slightly, He snorted softly: "Why can't I have it?"

    After I finished speaking, I was a little unsure. I met a Chinese-speaking Englishman in a foreign country and said he was my fan?

    She asked, "You want my autograph?"

    "No." Ethan paused, and reminded, "Should you two stand up and talk first?"

    Oh yes, I was still squatting. A little vigilant: "What do you want?"

    "I just heard that the two of you seem to need accommodation." Ethan said, "It happens that our house has a lot of guest rooms. If you don't mind, you can come and live with us.

    " Want to complain, does this person think he is stupid? Just ran to live in someone else's house casually?

    Xuanbei also thought so, and he already said, "Sorry, it might be inconvenient, so I won't bother you." "

    No trouble." Ethan looked at Gu Zhi, "Our old man will be very happy to see Gu Zhi Miss."

    When talking about the old man, he deliberately paused.

    Gu Zhi was alert at the moment, so she naturally noticed it, she always felt that the voice and tone were familiar, so when she heard the old man, a light flashed in her mind.

    Isn't this the one who called her wife on the phone before?

    Gu Zhi: "What's your father's name?"


    Sure enough.

    Gu Zhi calmly analyzed the current situation. Lu Ninghuai and his grandfather were indeed in England, and they also agreed that there would be no special circumstances to interfere with each other. The person in front of him was Lu Ninghuai. Without his permission, he would not appear here and let him go home .

    Is it because of grandpa? If it was because of the old man, it was very necessary for Gu Zhi to go there. She remembered that in the original novel, the grandfather had passed away, and the old man always saw each other less often.

    She pointed at the camera: "But we are recording a program."

    Ethan said politely: "It's okay, we won't mind, and we won't interfere with your normal filming." "

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