Eden and her bumps~

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Eden, the MANTIS with the voice of an angel, was getting ready to sing in her room. She took a deep breath and began to warm up her vocal cords when suddenly, she turned around too quickly and bumped her head on the wall.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed, rubbing her forehead. She shook it off and continued with her warm-ups, but as she turned to face the mirror, she accidentally bumped her head again, this time on the edge of her dresser.

"Double ouch!" she groaned, holding her head in her hands. She decided to take a break and sit down on her bed for a moment, but as she did, she accidentally knocked over her bedside table, causing her dual pistols to fall out.

Before she could catch them, the pistols went off, sending bullets flying in all directions. Eden screamed and ducked for cover, but when she peeked out from behind her bed, she saw that the bullets had miraculously missed everything in the room, except for her favorite poster of her idol, the pop star Himeko.

"Oh no! Not my Himeko poster!" she cried, rushing over to examine the damage.

(Author: its a AU so why not?)

As she tried to repair the poster, Elysia walked in and saw the chaos that had ensued.

"What in the world happened in here?!" she asked, looking around at the fallen bedside table, the bullet holes in the wall, and Eden's pained expression.

"It's a long story," Eden replied, still trying to fix her poster. "Let's just say that my singing isn't the only thing that's explosive in this room."

Elysia couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's antics, and the two of them spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up and laughing about the crazy mishap. Despite the bumps on the head and the near-destruction of the Himeko poster, Eden's beautiful voice remained unscathed, and she continued to sing her heart out with joy and passion.

To be continued....

see? so light hearted...

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