Poor Griseo

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(Author: If i butchered the characters then im truly sorry.)

(Author: this is an idea of ZZDeathguardiZZ)

In the serene atmosphere of the Elysian Realm, Griseo sat on a grassy hill, engrossed in her favorite pastime of painting. Her gentle strokes of color brought life to the canvas, capturing the beauty of the imaginary landscapes that danced in her mind. Lost in her own world, she didn't notice the approaching figure of Raven, the deadly mercenary known for her serious demeanor.

Raven's footsteps were swift and purposeful as she closed the distance, her eyes fixed on Griseo. A mischievous glint appeared in her gaze as she spoke, her words laced with ambiguity. "You know, Griseo, Kosma is quite the peculiar fellow," she began, her voice carrying an enigmatic tone.

Griseo paused her painting, looking up at Raven with curiosity. "What do you mean, Raven? Kosma is always kind to me," she replied, her innocent eyes searching for answers.

Raven chuckled softly, her lips curling into a sly smile. "Oh, of course, he is kind. But did you know, Kosma has a liking for girls under 12? Quite an interesting preference, wouldn't you say?" she teased, her tone deliberately cryptic.

Griseo's eyes widened in surprise, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Wh-What? No, that can't be true!" she stammered, feeling a mix of confusion and disbelief.

Just as the unease settled in Griseo's heart, Kosma appeared, approaching the duo with his characteristic silence. He listened to the conversation between Raven and Griseo, his expression calm and composed.

With a gentle smile, Kosma stepped forward and addressed Griseo. "Griseo, let me clarify. What Raven meant to say is that I have a fondness for your youthful spirit and innocence, not in any inappropriate manner," he explained, his voice resonating with reassurance.

Griseo's eyes widened in realization, a mix of relief and understanding washing over her. She turned to Raven, her tone filled with both amusement and reproach. "Raven, you had me worried for a moment. You really do have a twisted sense of humor," she said, a playful glimmer in her eyes.

Raven grinned, her laughter resonating in the tranquil realm. "I apologize for the confusion, Griseo. It seems I couldn't resist pulling your leg," she admitted, her serious demeanor softening for a moment.

Griseo giggled, her innocence shining through. "You definitely succeeded, Raven. But please, no more pranks like this," she requested, her voice tinged with a hint of mock seriousness.

As the trio shared a moment of laughter and camaraderie, the tension dissipated, replaced by a warm bond of trust and friendship. Raven's joke had inadvertently brought them closer together, showcasing the lighthearted side beneath her stoic facade.

With a newfound understanding, the three companions continued to enjoy the tranquil beauty of the Elysian Realm, their shared experiences strengthening their connection. As they walked together, Griseo's canvas in hand, they embraced the joy of companionship and the assurance that true friendship could withstand even the most unexpected twists and turns.

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