ch-2 the journey........with a companion?

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A/N: Hello my little devils :D I don't know if I should continue this story but looking there are 4 or 5 veiws gave me courage so that's the reason I'm continuing I will probably still continue this story until the end its like 70/30 chance I will delete this I will try my best to keep this story ^^ again if I forget any warnings plz inform me .

⚠️ mentioned of blood ⚠️
⚠️mention of vulger language ⚠️

No one's pov:

It was dark the sun had already settled down you were walking through a jungle passing all the lush green trees and bushes it felt like you were walking for years but it had just been 2 hours since you left your house and you still had giyu's old sword since you couldn't find the spare one that your father mentioned, looking back at it now how did that all happen it was already morning how did that demon occur in your house you had multiple thoughts like this but they all came to a halt when you heard ruffling noises beside you in the bushes you already had your hand on the tsuka ready to draw the katana, the source of the noise appeared in front of you it was just a crow which looked like it was hurt it hopped forward, you sighed and bent down on one knee as you held out your hand for it to climb on and it understood the sign as it was already in your hand you pulled yourself up and started walking to crash at a place so you can heal the crow and rest yourself, it was a quiet walk not silent cause the crickets were still singing. You looked up seeing the beautiful lapiz sky with white sprinkles it almost felt like you were in a fairytale the moon was half but was still breathtaking looking at all this your mind started wandering back to the boy, his kind yet mysterious face, thinking about him you didn't notice that you halted in your way which the crow noticed that you stopped and looked toward you who was still gazing at the sky, it made 'caw' noise pulling you back to reality you looked at the crow in your hand it had a questioned expression you gazed forward and began walking again. After a few minutes of walking you spotted a yellow speck in the distance which made you pick up the pace a little but drop the pace after seeing a pool of blood, you reached what looked like was a house the blood was oozing out from under the door. You relocated the crow from your hand to your left shoulder and held on the tsuka as you slowly opened the door you didn't step in though as you were thinking it could be a trap your eyes then trailed where the blood was coming from but it stopped midway cause the wall was blocking the blood trail further, you had no other choice than to step inside so you did drawing your katana, the trail continued and the source of the blood was revealed along with a munching sound. It was a demon which was feeding on the lady who lived here it turned around slowly signaling that he saw you, your grip on the tsuka was tightened both your eyes met as it stood up with a deep growl he launched at you for which you dodged startling the crow so it held your shoulder more stiffer then you launched yourself at him slicing its shoulder for it dodged your attack but little did he know you had another move and with a thud it fell down you had sliced its legs you beheaded it while you got the chance as it withered you moved towards the lady who was laying on the floor her right arm was missing and had a huge scar on the stomach, you mourned for her expiration and walked towards the bedroom,setting the crow on the bed you looked through the closet for supplies and to heal the crow you found some bandages and a futon you picked up the bandages and proceeded towards the crow checking where it was hurt and the looks of it the right wing was scratched along with it was bleed which resulted it to not be able to fly you cleaned the wound and wrapped the bandages around the wound you were about walk to the kitchen when you heard the crow speak.

" thank you kraa " you turned around astonished, you brushed it away thinking you were just hungry and tired but it spoke again

" I must transfer a message to sakonji-san but was attacked by another bird if it wasn't for your kindness I would not be able to live alone " you were not hallucinating it was real the crow just fucking spoke you walked back to it and bent down to its level , hesitantly you spoke.

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