Chapter 6, Part VI

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Chapter 6: Distrust, Part VI (Class Trial)


Momiji: Why are you even here, anyway?

Reiji: Well, what else does it look like? We're here to talk you down, and hopefully convince you to turn yourself in for what you've done!

Kaori: Momiji, please! You can just stop right now, and accept justice.

Momiji: But then all of this would've been for nothing!

Junpei: You'll come around to our way of thinking, sooner or later.

Reiji: Listen, Momiji. We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way.

Momiji: Seriously? You think a few words are going to stop me? Well, here's my answer!

Saying that, she took out a revolver and pointed it directly towards both Kaori and Reiji. She cracked a wry smile when she realised that they didn't have any weapons of their own.

Momiji: Those Monokumas surely have worn you down, haven't they?

Reiji: You could say so... They've killed quite a few agents-

Momiji: Exactly. Here, I make the rules.

Reiji: Rules? Well, guess this is it! You're under arrest on suspicion of manslaughter-

As he went over to try and apprehend Momiji, she countered by kicking him in the gut, causing him to reel to the ground in pain, keeping her gun trained on Kaori as she did so.

Momiji: It's going to take a lot harder than that.

Kaori: Guess we'll have to negotiate with her.

Junpei: And me. Aren't you forgetting someone? Heh, food for thought.

Reiji: I think I've seen you once before...

Junpei: You sure have. I wasn't just mourning her that day.

Kaori: As soon as we heard what happened to Kenji, we knew that we had to go all-out.

Momiji: You want to know what happened to Kenji? He went rogue, got people killed, then died himself like a dog!

Kaori: We know already.

Daisuke: Wait, hold on, Reiji?

Reiji: Yeah?

Daisuke: You sent Kenji here?

Reiji: I did.

Daisuke: Why?

Reiji: Check the letter I sent him. You know it to be true!

Daisuke: (sigh) Right... you hired Kenji to...


(Multiple Choice)

1. To kickstart the Killing Game.

2. To mastermind the Killing Game.

3. To investigate the Killing Game.

Answer: To investigate the Killing Game.


Daisuke: You wanted him to investigate what was going on, didn't you?

Reiji: Exactly. He approached me and I hired him on behalf of the Future Foundation. I thought we could put his expertise to good use.

Kaori: (sigh) It's a shame it ended the way it did...

Junpei: Ha! You two put your trust in a dubious mercenary and he ended up completely forgetting about the mission and killing people. The world is truly going to hell in a handbasket, isn't it?

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