Confessions & Questions

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I've never seen happiness

but I've seen your face

and I cannot find

the difference

Grace's pov

I was released from the hospital a month ago and commenced physical therapy almost immediately. I was also having to wear a ridiculously huge sling to support my arm. Therapy was excruciatingly painful to the point I regularly broke down in tears from the pain and frustration. Not only was I having to do therapy for my arm, but I also was having to regain strength in my entire body. I am in a wheel chair at the moment because standing up and walking is not only hard, but painful.

I regularly get cramps in my muscles whenever I try to move them to quickly without warming them up and often cry out in pain because of it. It's hurts even more because the members have to see me in pain too and suffer along with me. The helpless looks that come onto their faces when a cramp comes because they know they can do nothing, but comfort me and help massage the muscle. It also doesn't do anything for my self esteem except to lower it even more.

Physical therapy was three, even four, times a week. One or two of the members would go with me, but usually Jungkook went. I don't know why he's always so insistent on going with me. He has a life and he doesn't have to spend hours a day with me doing physical therapy. He says he promised to never leave my side and always be there for me. That doesn't have to be literal. But, he is very supportive and encouraging, wiping away my tears whenever I get frustrated because I'm so weak.

I was holding myself up on two parallel bars, arms trembling, as I tried to walk. My upper body have returned to their former strength, but my lower body is not cooperating. "I used to play around on the parallel bars at gym and try to copy what the guys did." I laughed bitterly. "Now I'm having to use it because I can't walk."One of my arms crumpled underneath me and I cried out in pain, my therapist caught me, "This is so frustrating! My body is not cooperating!" I cried out in frustration as Jungkook hooked his arm around my waist, helping me out from between the wood bars.

I leaned heavily on him for support, limping as we walked over to a chair. He set me down in the chair before placing his hands on my thighs and bending down to eye level, "Grace, it's going to take time for your body to remember." he cupped the back of my head. "But soon you'll be able to walk again, then run, then dance."

Impatient tears filled my eyes as I hugged him fiercely, unable to think of what I did to deserve him. "How can I wait that long, Kookie? I'm so depressed and frustrated."

I buried my face into the curve of his neck, and I felt his arms tightened around me. He kissed my head before answering, "I'll wait with you, Grace. I have an idea of how I can help you."

Pulling back, I looked at him curiously, "How do you plan on doing that?"

He just smiled, his arms enclosed my waist, "You'll find out." he giggled and poked my nose playfully.

Rolling my eyes with a smile, I hugged him tightly once more. "I don't know what I'd do without you, oppa." I withdrew and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Something flickered in his eyes, an emotion I've never seen before, but vanished when he smiled wryly, "Then rest easy, for you'll never lose me."


A few weeks later...

"Grace, I have a surprise for you." My eyebrows rose at Jungkook, leaning against the doorway to our indoor swimming pool, hands in his ripped jeans pockets. Abby and I stopped going through some therapy exercises to look at him.

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