Fantasmical Character

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This is the Original Character I developed for the Fantasmical Contest 2023.

This is the Original Character I developed for the Fantasmical Contest 2023

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Name: Merle of Thorne

Age: approximately 205

Gender: Female

Ancestry/Ethnicity: The Tribe of Thinamari of The Seelie Court

Species: Fae Folk

Physical Attributes:
~height- 4ft. 2 in (4'2")
~Glossy yellow skin, round eyes, hazy blue irises, round button nose, star-shaped freckles on her cheeks
~Black waist-length hair with white rose petals in it
~Slender body figure
~Wings of a varying blend of lilac, beige and peach littered with small glowing stars and a subdued blue glow around her.

Education: Vast knowledge of spells, potions and contracts

Career: serves the Resident Witch of Wynestria, Nemredith, with little to no compensation

Abode: The Black Hut, where she resides with Nemredith

Friends/Side characters: Arlea(Nemredith's cat), Zarek(a gnome also under contract with Nemredith)

Personality: extroverted, warm, loyal, overprotective, perfectionist, achievement-oriented, soft-hearted. She follows her heart and derives happiness from helping others achieve things. She is very enthusiastic but is easily controlled by her emotions.

Quirks: cries when she sees someone else in tears, has swift mood changes and has a poor definition of humans as she can't decide if she hates them or likes them. She tends towards jealousy.

Skills: potion-making, spell casting and spell-trading

Interests: craft work, spending time with nature, anything that keeps her hands busy

Hobbies: dancing, making petal crowns, playing games

Likes: attracted to shiny objects and golden jewellery, ladybugs, caterpillars, flowers, cake, candy and snow

Dislikes: Disorder, chaos, cheese

Strengths: superhuman durability, vast knowledge and in-depth memory, emotional intelligence, industrious

~Arithmomania- an overwhelming impulse to count her actions or objects in their surroundings.
~Poor tolerance for White cream(fae alcohol) yet she would do anything to get it
~Can be summoned against her will if the person knows her Spiel and would remain with the person until she is banished
~Easily overwhelmed, poor response to stress, poor self-discipline
~Lemon, lime, silver, iron
~Weakest during the Winter season with fragile wings, despite this, she still loves snow

Fears: consistent anxiety over the future and tight spaces, claustrophobia

Aversions: Iron. The word, thank you, especially when it is said to her in appreciation for her help. When she is called 'Fairy'(prefers other terms like Little One, Little Folk).

Special powers: Can identify a person's desires and offer to grant it but at a cost only she can determine and can choose to either disclose or withhold.

Other abilities: limited telepathy with other fairies, telekinesis, photokinesis, flying, can reduce her size but can't increase it more than her usual 4'2"

Lifelong goal: To collect as much fae dust as she can and use it to find the remaining Fae Folk. Wants to circumvent the rule that prevents the Fae Folk from lying.



MERLE OF THORNE is a fairy of the Thinamari tribe of The Seelie Court.

Long ago, the realm of Dhilavir was a land of many creatures of the fae, elves, orcs, witches, gnomes and humans.

Until the humans desired total domination and sought out ways to weaken the magical folk of the land. They devised means and concoctions to use for their aim and ended up dispersing most of the tribes and ethnicities of magical folk that they conquered.

In a town, Wynestria, a Witch and her Fairy remained.

The Witch, Nemredith, after years of torture and trial, was able to sow her seed and plant trust within the people of Wynestria. All this was at the expense of her fairy, Merle, who worked under her every command.

Merle was bound by a contract her parents made to place her under the guardianship of Nemredith before they were slaughtered during The Catharsis.

Nemredith had grown to be a revered figure in Wynestria as she brought treatment never seen before to the people. The people sang her praises and spread her name in gold, while Merle's was tarnished in mud.

Ever since The Catharsis, when the humans conquered Dhilavir, all Merle wanted was to get back to her people-wherever they were-but she couldn't as Nemredith knew her Spiel and was using it to keep her.

But after years of suppression, she had come to have one dream. To belong with the humans that had taken her land from her, gain their trust and use it against them.

But hard as she tried, she never fit in, all for one reason. She couldn't lie. She was too truthful and the humans despised her for this. But for Merle, it had grown to become an insecurity, one she would do anything to get rid of. Even if it meant trading all the spells she knew.

Merle is bidding her time with Nemredith but also devising a grand plan. While she does so, quests and challenges lie ahead that would take her further in the grand scheme of Dhilavir.


Merle of Thorne is An Anthology of short stories to be made from prompts under the Fantasmical Contest 2023.

Merle of Thorne | Fantasmical 2023Where stories live. Discover now