Author's note

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Are you new here or are you returning?

It doesn't matter to me, actually. I'm going to grab you by the shoulders and drag you along to the darkest corners of my mind just the same.

So hi, welcome! Very pleased to have you here.

What you see in front of you is the revised edition of my novel Castle of the Damned. It took me a few years to get the first draft finished, and this thing right here is the more polished product. If you came here from the original, I hope this comes as an improvement, and if this is your first time, I hope it's going to be a great experience for you.

I also hope you've read my blurb, because it is absolutely not going to be pasted into this note. I assume you read it before you decided to come check this out.

Now, what can you expect from Castle of the Damned?

- Psychological fuckery like you wouldn't believe

- (Aforementioned fuckery may or may not involve a goat demon)

- One (!) renovated medieval castle straight outta Hell

- Complicated characters trying to solve even more complicated mysteries

- A vibe that I hope will haunt you for the rest of your days

So if you're brave enough and that sounds like it could be your cup of tea, read on. I look forward to getting lost in some haunted castle walls with you!

- AJ

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