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Beatrix POV

I was holding my son's hand, he's only 10 years old shouldn't have gone through this for a young age. My husband Owen went to go grabbed some coffee for him and I, as I stay in the room. The doctor said he's time is almost up, we've try every cancer treatment but the cancer has spared inside his body. I haven't slept, eaten, or taken shower because I didn't want to leave my son side. I heard the door open as I turn around to see my husband stepping inside, the door close behind him.

Owen came up to me "Here." He said as I accepted the coffee cup from him. "Love, you should go home and take a shower." I took a sip of my coffee, shaking my head no. He sigh "Love, Jaxon doesn't want you being like this." I put my cup down turn to stare at him, Owen beautiful grey-hazel eyes locked on my dark brown eyes.

"I don't want to leave Jaxon." I said to him "and you heard what the doctor said, Jaxon time is almost up." Owen and I never fight or having no argument. We've been together for 10 years, turn back to my son touching his light brown hair.

"Love, this isn't healthy for you." He reminded me "Let me go to the lunch room and grab something for you." I can only nodded at him without even looking at him. He came up to me giving me a kiss on the head "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied to him

I turn to watch Owen stepping out of the room, as the door close "Mommy?" I heard my son's voice as I turn away from the door to see my son slowly opening his eyes, he was tired.

"SHHH, sweetie I'm here. Mommy is here." I told him

He's beautiful grey-hazel eyes the same eyes as his father's, I wanted to smile but I couldn't because I knew he was dying. "I know the doctor say I don't have much time left. But I want to thank you and daddy for taken care of me." Jaxson said with a weak voice

"Sweetie that what parents are for, they love their children with all they're heart." I said to him holding his hand in mine "I wish I could have taken your place, sweetheart." didn't even realize that I was crying, trying to hold back my sob.

"Please, mommy don't say that..." He said with a weak voice once again along with a cough, I lay in bed with him, wanted to hold him in my arms. "Daddy need you, and you need him... It's okay mommy." felt my heart is going to break, I didn't want to hear that from my own child "It's okay to let me go, I'm not in pain anymore." Pain? He's not in pain anymore... "I'll be with grandpapa and grandmama." I turn to him, he was slowly closing his eyes.

I got off the bed "No, Jaxon... don't say that, please stay with me and your father." I said with a sob, he has this weak sad smile on his face, a tear coming down his cheek. "Jaxson?!"

"I love you, Mommy." He said "tell Daddy that I love him too." closing his eyes slowly, I push the button to let the doc or nurse knowing. my eyes become blurry, the heart monitor was going off, the nurse came in, pulling me away from my child. I scream for my son name, telling him to stay wake, the nurse push me out of the room closing the door.


Three month later

We've buried our son, everyone was at the house... Owen was in the kitchen with his father, as I was in our son's bedroom holding his favorite book in my hand, Jurassic Park books by Michael Crichton. Owen and I always read it for him, or Jaxson will read it to us, lay in his bed holding his books close to me. I began to sob, that I wanted my son back. "Beatrix?" I heard my husband voice as I picked up my head seeing him standing in front of the bedroom door, he has been crying as well. He step inside the room walking towards the bed kneel in front of me touching my cheek with his soft hand "He's not in pain anymore." he said with a sob, lean close kissing my lip and pulls way "Everyone is about to leave, we should say goodbye and I'm going to clean up around the house." He said as I nodded getting up from my son's bed putting the books down, got off the bed as Owen put his hand on my lower back.

"Jaxon wanted me to tell you that he loves you." I told him turn to face my husband as he pulled me into a hug, I put my arms around him "he loved both of us that we've need each other." my husband sob more, held me close to him.

After everyone left, Owen's parents stay with us to help us out, I was washing the dish as Owen and his parents were in the living room picking up the trash. my mind went towards my son thinking about what he said before he pass. I have no another family beside Owen and his parents, his parents had helped us a lot over the years, he's father walked be down the aisle of our wedding day. "Trix?" I heard Owen's mother Sunny. I turn around to face her "how are you feeling?" She asked me

"I'm hanging in there." I lie to her

"let me help you dry these dishes." She said coming up towards the sink grabbed a rag taken a wet plate began drying it. I went back on washing the dish, I can't let her know how broken am I, Owen and his father came into the kitchen gathering all of the trash going to take it out.  After Sunny finished cleaning the dishes and the kitchen, Sunny and her husband left, that only leave me and Owen.

I step into the living room to see Owen with a glass of whisky in his hand, I kneel in front of him taken the glass away from him. I can't let him drink his sorrow and the pain away drinking doesn't solve anything "I didn't want to say anything in front of my parents, Beartix." he said "I think we've need to be separated, until the divorce is finalized."


"No, Beatrix... you and I are going to suffer in these house together." He said, I didn't wanted to argument with him, didn't say anything else to him either. I only giving him a nod, stood up putting the glass of whisky on the nightstand by the sofa where he was seating at. If he really wants this, a divorce... I guess this is it, stepping out of the living room going to our share bedroom, went towards the closet to grab the suitcase moving away putting the suitcase on the bed unzip it opening it as I began packing my things. I took the photo of owen, our son Jaxson and myself that we've took together putting it inside the suitcase, I decide to take my son's books with me. after I finish packing zip up the suitcase, carrying two of them out of the room with me stepping in the hallway going towards the front door. I stop in the middle of the hallway turn towards the living room to see Owen fast sleep. I put my suitcase down, turn back around to grab a piece of paper and pen to write him a letter for him.

my dearest Owen,

By the time you've read this I'm already gone, you wanted a divorce and I'll be waiting for the paper to sign, you can keep the house because you've own it. Separation might be a good idea for us, and I will always love you.

Your love


I step into the living room leaving the note on his nightstand beside him, turn away before I do anything stupid. Stepping out of the living room grab my suitcase by the handels opening the front door stepping out close it behind me. It was already dark out, didn't know where am I going to go, but I'll think of something. Don't look back, Beatrix, don't look back my mind keeps telling me. I walk to my car putting the suitcase in the back of the car as I got into the driver side start turning on the engine backing up the drive away and find a hotel to sleep in and look for a job to get myself by. I can't go to our friends, I can't go to his parents either, I have no one else beside myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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