Oolong c:

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"Miss Caitlyn," William's voice interrupted her jumbled thoughts. Her head snapped up, looking up from her case file.

The butler held a tray of tea and placed it in front of the sheriff. "A young woman from the fields of justice is asking for your presence."

"Who?" Caitlyn wasn't in the mood to be interrupted.

"She wouldn't say, Miss."

"Send her to the-"

"That won't be necessary, darling," a raspy, seductive voice murmured in her ear. A look of distaste flashed across William's features, and he gave Caitlyn a questioning glance.

"Bring another cup, William," Caitlyn nodded at the butler. "I hope you will excuse the state of my desk, Evelynn. Perhaps you'd like to discuss whatever in the drawing room?"

"That won't be necessary," the blue skinned seductress sat across Caitlyn, taking Caitlyn's own cup and pouring herself some tea. "Mm... Oolong, Karma's own brand. And here I thought you liked English teas better, sheriff," her midnight blue eyes unnerved Caitlyn.

"I do, but Vi loves Oolong," the sheriff took the cup from William. "I wasn't aware you liked tea, Evelynn."

"Oh no, Caitlyn," Evelynn purred. "Let's just say Evaine's been rubbing off me, hard," the tip of her tongue flicked across her lips. "But I suppose you'd be no stranger, sheriff, considering your own choice of tea."

Her gaze was curious,waiting for a reaction from Caitlyn, but she only remained stoic. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"You certainly don't do pleasantries, do you, sheriff?" She reached over and ran her hand down Caitlyn's arm. She stiffened slightly, and the red head sensed it. "I'm here on account of your wonderful partner."


"Who else?" Eve's teeth was almost unnaturally white. "Tell me, sheriff, have you heard of the new addition to the fields of justice?"

"Ekko?" Caitlyn took a sip of her own tea.

"Who else?" She leaned in closely, her mouth right next to Caitlyn's ear. "Rumour has it he was in a gang that was run by none other than C."

"What does this have to do with Vi?"

Evelyn's laughter was soft and mysterious. "I don't suppose you know, do you, sheriff?" She nipped Caitlyn's ear playfully.

"Evelynn!" Caitlyn nearly dropped her cup. "Respect the rules of social etiquette, please."

"Tsk, have you had a woman in your bed before?" Evelynn laughed when she saw Caitlyn's face. "Or for that matter, a man?"

"Stick to the subject, Widowmaker," Caitlyn was struggling to keep a straight face when every part of her was burning with curiousity. For months they had gotten nothing but a cold trail on C.

"Vi and Jinx came from the same gang, did you know that, sheriff? And guess who paid a visit to Jinx yesterday? None other than the infamous Ekko. They were all warmth and hugs, interesting isn't it?" Eve smiled at Caitlyn, who had frozen in the middle of sipping her tea.

"Vi and Jinx knew each other?" Caitlyn murmured, more to herself this time rather than to Evelynn.

"Just rumours, sheriff, just rumours."

Caitlyn blinked disbelieving. Eve opened her mouth to say more, but Cait cut her off. "Thank you for your information, Evelynn, but I have matters to attend to that is of the utmost importance, apologies. William," she called, the butler appearing almost immediately. "William will escort you out. It was very nice to have you, Eve, but I must return to my work."

William nodded to Evelynn, his lips lifting to form a coy smile. Eve winked in return. As soon as the door was shut behind them, Le Blanc dropped the spell.

"Evelynn, darling, I've missed you," she kissed Evelynn hard.

"You just saw me last night," Eve chuckled, a sound that caused Le Blanc to shiver.

"How did it go?" Le Blanc murmured, pulling Eve's hand. "The butler's in the kitchen, it'll be thirty seconds before he pops in, max."

"Well enough," the Widowmaker shrugged. "Swain was right, Caitlyn has no idea. I don't see a trap laid out, either."

"I still don't think we should get involved with this," Le Blanc's staff glimmered in the sunlight, the jewels dancing in unison.

Eve gave the Deceiver a reassuring squeeze, both of them too distracted by the other to sense the glowing green eyes watching them in the shadows.


Cup of Tea (Caitlyn x Vi ) ( League Of Legends )Where stories live. Discover now