Chapter Sixty-Two

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Everyone sat around the long table, chowing down at their food. A quick glance was shared between Clint and I, considering the last time we ate Chinese food it mostly ended up everywhere except our mouths.

The look didn't last for long, though, because those memories came with a third person who wasn't here.

It was Rocket's turn to talk to us about the Power Stone, so he paced down the middle of the table to do so. "Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag."

"Is that a person?" Bruce asked, mouth full of Ben and Jerry's. Like, two human-sized bites of food. I still had a hard time processing everything.

Rocket walked over to Bruce and said, "No, Morag's a planet. Quill was a person."

Scott, who sat next to Bruce, jumped in. "Like- like a planet? In outer space?" he asked. Up until today, things had been pretty terrestrial for Scott. Rey had to chuckle at the thought of how he was processing all of this information.

"Oh, look. It's like a little puppy, all happy and everything. Do you want go to space? Do you wanna see space, puppy? I'll take you to space!" Rocket was hilarious, and I couldn't wait long before laughing.

Unlike me, Scott wasn't very please. "Oh come on, I'm allowed to be impressed and excited!" he called out. "It's not like everyone here has been to another planet."

There was a brief silence. "We, uh, actually all have... so..." I said, trying not to laugh again.

"You?! Where did you go!" Scott asked.

I shrugged. "Sakar and Asgard. Both very interesting places. Well, Asgard was. But that's beside the point."

Scott, the ever mature adult he was, picked up a noodle and flung it at me. I dodged it, but the action made me ready to throw something back.

Tony immediately stood up and stuck his hands out, yelling, "No!"

We moved on to the Soul Stone.

Everyone was gather in the room, lounged around in different places as Nebula introduce the stone to us. "Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir."

Nat, taking notes on the couch, asked, "What is Vormir?"

"A dominion of death at the very center of celestial existence." Everyone paused and looked up at her. "It's where Thanos murdered my sister."

"Oh..." I couldn't help but react, and I covered my mouth with my hand. No one else spoke or made noise, awkwardly trying to look away and silently move on.

"Not it," Scott whispered, and I smacked his arm for it.

Next, was the Time Stone.

"That Time Stone guy!" Nat announced.

"Doctor Strange," Bruce corrected.

Tony, Nat, and I were laying on the giant table, Bruce on the ground off to the side. We were at about our limit for research, but this wasn't some school project we could BS and push to the side.

This was the mission. The mission to save the Snapped.

"Yeah, what kind of Doctor was he?" Nat asked.

"Ear-nose-throat meets rabbit-from-hat. Or you could ask Rey, she had a run-in with him at the hospital," Tony said.

I shifted a bit on the table. "Yeah, no. I'm pretty sure he was a neurosurgeon cause that's why I first met him. To try and mess with my head. It ended with me running from the FBI so that's probably why I don't know for sure."

"Well, makes sense then, he's got a nice place in the Village." We all decided to move on from my comment.

"Yeah, on Sullivan Street?"

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