Chapter Two

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We were now on our way back to Ireland. My whole crew was in this plane. Jake, my official coach, my promotion manager and my manager. Yeah, I still think it sounds weird to think I have a manager, but she helps me with the administration part of kickboxing. You always have to register when you want to participate a match. She does that stuff for me. My promotion manager takes care of my fans. She takes care of the interviews I have to do for keeping my fans and that kind of stuff.

All of the crewmembers were asleep, leaving me alone awake. Forever alone.. I sighed. I finally made my dream come true. Standing for my country in the Olympics. I started strumming my guitar. I decided to play small bump by Ed Sheeran. I was a big fan. I also was excited for the Olympics because Ed Sheeran and One Direction would perform to open the games. After twenty minutes flying I shut my electronics down. Our plane landed right in time. Jake and I walked down the gate and saw a lot of screaming girls. Some were crying. I was already sure it wasn't because of me.

Jake and I looked at each other and laughed. Jake did some stunts in front of the screaming girls while I just danced and laughed. I started singing some song I've heard a few weeks ago. I think it was named Superhero.

"I, I, I don't wanna fi-i-ight

Don't wear no ti-i-ights

And I can't fly-y-y

I'm no, I'm no

Superhero-o-" Then I bumped into someone. I almost fell but the person kept me from falling. I looked up to find the blue eyes that belonged to the famous Louis Tomlinson. Yes, I did know who were in One Direction. He smiled kindly at me and I smiled back while I stepped back on my feet. Jake walked over to us and said: "You have to look out, you can't get hurt before the Olympics!" He practicly scolded me. I nodded and wanted to walk away when I heard an Irish accent. Niall Horan came running towards me.

"Oh my god! It's Eliza!" He screamed like one of those girls who were still screaming and crying, only louder..

"Yeah, It's me!" I smiled.

"Can I have an autograph?" He asked me. How weird, he's a famous popstar but asks me for an autograph. Before I could ask for something to sign, another boy came running towards us with an Irish flag. Niall smiled and gave it to me with a black marker. I signed his flag with my name and my phone number. He looked nice and he came from Mullingar just as me. Maybe we could hang out someday.. And the boys were very cute.

Jake spoke up: "Liz, we have to leave now, your training has to start in an hour." I nodded and excused myself to the one direction boys. We left the airport and jumped into our blue van. My managers wanted a black van, but I love blue so we took a blue one. My favorite colour was green, but my managers didn't want to pay extra for a green coloured van :( 

After a three hour ride we were finally home. Finally back in Mullingar. I would go back to my normal life. School, work and training ofcourse. I worked at Nandos in Dublin and went to school in Dublin. I first went to school in Mullingar, but got expelled for a fight with the quarterback. He was just pickin on this guy. He looked so small en fragicle. His blond hair was bieberlike and his laugh took everyone with him. I didn't know him and I wasn't in his classes. I only passed him by a few times.


"Hey Liz, how about a coffee after P.E?" Jake asked me.

"Yeah, sounds great to me! What are we going to do with P.E?" I hated our P.E teacher.

"I think we're going to play soccer," I groaned. Not again.

"Well, I have to go to my locker now," Jake said.

"You mean you're going to Mandy?" I winked at him.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," he mumbled then walked away. I walked towards the P.E room but saw someone getting picked on by the fountain. It was that boy with the cute laugh. He was crying. The quarterback was yelling all kind of mean things to the boy. The boy looked up at the quarterback and I heard him say: "Maybe you're right, maybe I'm not worthed to live. Maybe I should die." The quarterback laughed. My heart broke when I heard what the boy said. The boy started walking backwards while tears were falling down his cheeks. I dropped my bag and stood infront of the boy.

"MOVE!" The quarterback yelled.

"Leave him alone," I spoke calm.

"Get out of my way bitch, he's not worth to live," He snapped. I only got more angry when he called me bitch and told the boy again he's worthless. I shook my head and before I knew it I got slapped in the face. I looked back up at him and he was closer to me than I thought. He pushed me roughly against a wall.

"Now you're not such a big girl anymore right?" He told me. I just spit in his face. He looked at me with angry eyes. His hands balled into fists. His right hand made his way to my face in high speed. I blocked the punch right in time. I kicked him against his knee. He fell on the ground and I could hear him groan in pain. Satisfacting grew in me. He stood up soon and started hitting me a few times. Sometimes I could block them, sometimes he hit me. Blood came out of my mouth and there already was a crowd forming around us. I spit my blood in the quarterbacks face and hit him straight in the face. I could hear his nose break under my fist. I was so angry right now. I punched him again in straight in the face. The quarterback stumbled backwards and I kicked him one last time in his stomach. He fell backwards in the fountain. When I wanted to walk towards him and punch him again I felt people holding me back.

I looked up to see my P.E teacher. Great, can't get any better now. He tried to hold me back but he struggled. I was way stronger than him. Than the boy with his cute laugh came stand in front of me.

"Let him go, please?" He begged me. He looked pretty scared for me. "


So now I'm going to Dublin. It's an hour ride with my car. I do miss my old friends, but we still hang-out and my new friends are all very nice and sweet. My life changed a lot since the day I got expelled. My parents and little sister died in a car accident. Since that day I live on my own. I bought a small house in Mullingar. I lived in the 'dangerous' neighbourhood as people called it. Many persons were murdered, raped or anything else in this neighbourhood. I didn't have the money to live in a proper neighbourhood. I once nearly got shot, but I was able to defend myself because of kickboxing.

Because I live in the 'dangerous' part of Mullingar, many people don't want me near them. They think I'm just like the dangerous people in my streets. But I'm not. People may think I am, but I only look dangerous because I have to protect myself.

Well, I'm finally at Nando's. So I can start working. I jumped out of my car and locked the doors. Then I heard some laughing behind me. I knew that laugh. That laugh was my ex-boyfriend's. This couldn't mean anything good. He came towards me and slapped me accros my face. Yup, drunk again. I spit in his face and tried to walk away. 7 boys were around me. They laughed evilly. I kept turning and turning so I wouldn't turn my back to my enemies. But I couldn't do anything to keep this from happening. My ex, Nick, started punching me. Hard. I coughed, but couldn't defend myself from 7 boys at the same time. I tried to block most of the punches, but didn't succeed. One of Nick's friends held my hands back.

After a lot more punches, they finally left. I stumbled to my car and locked the doors as soon as I was inside. I texted my boss I was having a jetlag. My head pounded and after a few minutes everything was black.

A/N - I'm a slow updater, I know and I'm Sorry!

Wish I could be a bit faster but I have a lot of testes.

My inspiration for this story is; One of the boys

Read that story! It's absolutely amazing!

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I'll do my best and try update a.s.a.p


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