Chapter 11: Bashfulness

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Kuina's laughter could be heard from her side of the room as you slammed the bathroom door closed behind you. You should have gone to literally anybody else for this issue. Ann, Mira, Tatta, Aguni... hell, even Danma would have been a better option. Sure, there was little to expect in Kuina's reaction considering how late in the night it was and how you had woken her up from her sleep with your wild knocking. The normal reaction to such actions in the middle of the night was to attack whoever was behind the door, but when she got ready to drop-kick the person, she was pleasantly surprised to see your blushing face.

Letting the rush of adrenaline die down, she finally managed to get you in her room while you mumbled out random words that she was unable to make out. Panic was the next course of action since you could have been attacked for all she knew so she started slamming her hands on the right wall of her room. Chishiya was her next room neighbor and the nearest doctor on hand so he would be needed for such an emergency, but the panic soon died down as you finally managed to utter out legible words.

"Arisu kissed me..." you practically whispered in between the mixture of other rushed words. Kuina stared at you, frozen in place, before she finally managed to process what you had just said and fell back onto her bed dying of laughter. Shame quickly overran your brain and you rushed to the bathroom to get away from her teasing remarks just as a pissed off Chihiya ran into her room. Splashing water on your face to counteract the heat from the blushing, you rested your body weight onto the sink. You were barely even processing what had happened at all, and now you were being teased about it all over again.

A couple of minutes passed with the water still running between your fingers before Kuina's laughter finally died out. Her pants to catch her breath were still audible but Chishiya had managed to get most of her wrangled in as he walked up to the bathroom door to deal with his other problem. He argued with himself over just opening the door to address the issue directly or take the more compassionate route and calmly get it out of you. Kuina refused to tell him what was so important to wake him up with bangs to his wall, claiming that he should get it out of your mouth first to get the full reaction. She was silently waiting for everything to unfold before her as she sat in the middle of her bed to get the perfect angle of it all.

Don't get her wrong. The news did sting her a bit, but the bashful and embarrassed expression you had was enough for her to find some humor in it all. After all, the fact that you were at her door trying to deal with what happened instead of making out with Arisu was enough proof that you did not like the guy in that way. Or did you? Was this a gossiping session that she had just ruined or were you actually confused?

"It's either coming out here willingly or me dragging you out like some child," Chishiya complained through the bathroom door, trying his best to not let his anger get the better of him in his drowsy state. "Can you stop throwing your tantrum and just get out here so I can check you and go back to bed."

Your muffled voice could be heard as you replied to him, but nothing was coherent enough to pass though the wooden barrier between the two of you. Waiting for you to repeat yourself, Chihsya kept knocking on the door in an annoying pattern that he knew made you move faster just to not hear it anymore. The door finally cracked open just a sliver so he would see one of your eyes looking at him in annoyance rather than what Kuina claimed to be embarrassed. "Promise not to laugh. Please... I will never talk to you again if you do."

"Wow, don't threaten me with a good time," he sarcastically shot back at you as the sleepiness started to settle into his mind again. You shut the door just as quickly as you had previously cracked it open when he responded and Kuina threw a pillow in his direction. Okay, sarcasm was not welcomed - noted. "Sorry, sorry. I promise not to laugh like Kuina did."

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