Chapter 13: Pride

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Interacting with human bodies and their very distinct smells should have been normal for you by now, considering your profession before this and the various games that forced you into closer conditions – and yet, you hated it all. Smelly people with no care for their natural body odor will always be an issue for you. One that was painfully stabbing you on the side as you fought against the excited game participants trying to rush to their respective games.

The dark red hallways were menacing under the stale lighting. The absence of people added to the eerie feeling as you walked down to the ever-so-familiar door of Hatter's office. You knew that he debriefed with his most trusted people before going to a game. Always having to make sure that nobody would try to betray him last minute. Most times, this would involve some militant member being a close companion of his for the game, but it seemed as though that wouldn't be the case for this game. Knowing that one more game still followed this one before the treacherous ten of Hearts was nerve-wracking on its own.

The screams in the room only served to heighten the feeling. A few weeks ago, you would have waltzed into this room with no care in the world; a blind child reaching out to their parental figures in a bloody world where nobody really cared about anybody else other than themselves. Now, you can only stare at the wooden door and wait like a kid who is in trouble and waiting for the consequences to catch up to them. It was each singular breath that was followed by the familiar voice of Aguni arguing for reason behind the door that paced your time and reminded you that there was a time constraint to it all.

"... listen to yourself! Three people! Three more people, again! Danma, I thought we fixed this issue the first time it happened," Aguni screamed. His voice echoed throughout the room as you finally built up the courage to let yourself in. Aguni's angry eyes glared at you before softening once he realized that it was just you.

The tenseness in the room pleaded with you to leave, but once Danma's eyes fell on you, there was no option left. A cold and empty chuckle left his mouth as he fell into his seat. With no glasses to hide his eyes, you could feel the burning rage in them, each stare almost burning into your skin the longer he focused. Aguni looked ready to take you out of the room himself but Danma slammed his hand on the table before his friend could take a single step forward. "Why are you here?"

His voice was hoarse, clearly from yelling just a few moments prior, and you could still hear the slightest bit of disgust intertwined in his words. Aguni gave him a side-eye to keep him in check and yet the disrespect continued. "Why! Are you here? Your little friends are out there about to risk their lives. Run to them and be a good executive by keeping them in check." A humorless laugh followed his screams. Eyes void of any happiness followed along as you looked at Aguni for any explanation as to why he had suddenly blown up with anger. Sure, it was a matter of time before he would lose his mind to power and you were expecting it. Each day ticking down to the event that you knew would only bring upon more death so you were ready. At least you thought you were. Watching someone you love, start to destroy themselves from the inside out was never something you thought you would have to face head-on.

"Or... are you here to undermine my authority yet again? I thought Niragi was just talking out of his ass but perhaps he is right. I have been far too soft on you... haven't I?" Danma questioned, letting his hair fall over his face in a wild manner. His eyes hid behind the strands clumping in front of them, making it that much more menacing when he started glaring at you. "Your friends will go through the process just like everybody else. I will have them killed if they prove to be useless and you will have to answer for their disappearance. Get out! Leave before I change my mind on giving you yet another pass!"

True fear coursed through your veins as you rushed out of the room. It didn't help that tears were already streaming down your face before your brain managed to process the words that left the man's mouth. "It's not him... it's not him," you tensely whispered to yourself as you rested against the wall to find comfort in your mind. The phrase, no matter how many times you repeated it, felt like a lie. Yes, he was losing his mind and that would lead to awkward moments like these, but he was never like this in the show. For the little that was shown, Danma never blew up like this on people he cared about. Your inner voice was screaming at you to face reality and realize that the bond you forged with Danma was fake. He was bound to turn his back on you eventually whether he pretended to care for you or not. This is what happens to foolish people who truly think that they can change the outcome of something set in stone.

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