☆Chapter 9☆

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Kólasi, unknown world, be nice to me.

I closed my eyes.


--Urien's POV---

I didn't even know what we were doing there, seating on my best friend's living room, instead on being in our way to stop Achaia from doing more harm.

"Enough rest, we should go." I declared after placing the cup of coffee on the little table.

"Eny, you know we can't..." said Remiel while looking into my eyes. "We're not ready, we don't have a plan, and you're clearly not into your right mind."

"What do you mean, I'm not into my right mind?" I stared at him incredulously.

"You know why... since you had the fight with a man in the southern clan, you have been taking more abrupt decisions and you're more angry than usual. That might affect our mission." Remiel explained with his typical calm tone, still sipping on his soda.

"How so? That man was yelling at his child, because he couldn't lift something. Calling him worthless even though he was clearly trying his best."

"Even if he shouldn't have screamed at his child for that, it's none of our business. That's the way they raise their children. We went there to help the victims of Achaia's attack. We should only focus on our job."

"Well, doing our job is not enough for me! I'm not going to stay with my arms crossed while watching something unjust!" I was fuming. "And don't you start telling me the way they treat children here. The fact that I wasn't born here doesn't mean I'm stupid!"

"I never said you were stupid." Remiel made a frown and sat straighter. "I just said that you shouldn't make a big deal out of it. Just calm down, focus, and continue your life."

"I-, I'll be back." I stated before running outside.

I knew that if I stayed longer, I would say things that I didn't mean. After all, Remiel was one of the only people I trusted, I couldn't lose him.

I quickly made my way outside, where my beautiful brown feline, Adonis, was waiting for me.

I climbed on his back and let Adonis lead the way.

--Emily's POV---

I was there.

At Kólasi.

How did I know?

Well, I couldn't feel my bed anymore. Instead, I could feel hot sand touching with my arms and legs, while I was bathing in the sun's light.

At least, that's what I could conclude... I didn't dare to open my eyes yet.

I took a deep breath and united all the courage I had. I was finally able to see.

It looks like I ended up in the middle of a desert. How convenient...

Everything looked the same for me, no matter which direction I turned my head to.

Then, I noticed something strange when I looked at the rest of my body. I wasn't in my pajamas anymore, but in a short white dress. My necklace was still intact, but I didn't have any shoes or socks.

My thoughts were interrupted by the distant sound of what I assumed were motorcycles.

They seemed to be speeding up my way, so I moved to the side to avoid getting hurt. It didn't work however, since the moment they were near me, they began surrounding me with their motorcycles.

"What's a little normie doing here all alone, huh?" One of the muscular men said as he stopped his motorcycle and walked towards me.

"Her clan probably thought she was useless and decided to abandon her!" Smirked another man, before kneeling to be able to face me.

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