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𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: ̗̀➛ 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥

Transfering school's was probably the thing Morgen hates the most about moving. Meeting new people wasn't her thing, so she dreaded the Monday morning she woke up for school.

"New school, new people to hate." She thought. She continued to get ready after the shower she took, the strawberry scent  wafted off of her body with everything step she took.

Her outfit was pretty simple. Ripped jeans, a tucked in white shirt, converse and a jacket.

(If you want to imagine her wearing something else, go right ahead!)

Morgen decided to wear her hair down. To complete the look she added bracelets, two necklaces, and a couple rings spread out across her hands.

When she finished getting ready, she grabbed her practically empty book bag, and exited her room to go downstairs. Bella sat at the small table in the kitchen, enjoying a small bowl of cereal. The loud crunch of the cereal being the only noise besides breathing in the kitchen.

After a moment of crunching and silence, Morgen decided to speak up. "Bella, you want me to wait for you?" The younger girl nodded quickly, standing up from the table to pour out the rest of the frosted flakes.

"No need to rush, you can finish. I'll wait." Bella waved her off dismissively. "It's okay. I'm full anyway."

"You sure?" Morgen furrowed her eyebrows as her gaze followed Bella's movements. "Yeah."

"Well then make sure you eat something at lunch, okay?"

"Alright, mom."  Bella joked. Morgen snorted at her words.

"Wanna ride with me? Or you wanna drive that death trap?" Morgen questioned. She gestured to her car, and Bella shook her head.

"It's not a death trap! It's a nice welcoming gift. Plus, Jacob said he fixed the engine. So it's perfectly safe." The older girl held her hands up in defense, a chuckle slipping from her throat.

"Okay, if you say so." Morgen made her way to her car as Bella started her own. The girl pulled out of the driveway as Morgen just got settled in her car. Morgen started her engine, she immediately turned up the music as her ACDC disk blasted. You could hear the noise through the windows, and how the speakers in the trunk vibrated at the loud music.

She finally pulled out of the driveway and made her way to school, almost passing Bella's orange truck, but Morgen decided to drive behind her.

Pulling into the school, automatically people stared at the new cars. The orange truck and the black Dodge charger that drove smoothly beside it. Teenagers gawked at the black car, it was possibly better then a certain family's group of cars.

When the two cars parked next to each other, the engines were shut off by the girls behind the wheel. Morgen reached to the backseat to grab her backpack and exited her car. The whispering voices became louder as she walked side by side with her sister.

"Nice ride," A dark skinned boy snickered at the two sisters. Morgen found it unfunny while Bella muttered a small "thanks." And continued walking.

"Go screw yourself," Coldly glaring at the boy, Morgen walked beside her sister once more.

"C'mon, Morgen, you didn't have to be rude." Bella sighed. Her eyes were trained on her sister who looked ahead.

"I was barely rude, plus I could've said way worse?" Morgen scoffed at her sister.  "Mom told me to watch out for you. So that's what I'm doing."

"Since when did you ever listen to mom?" Bella questioned.

"Good point. But you're my little sister, protecting you is apart of the job of being an older sister." Bella rolled her eyes and snatched the schedule from her sister's hand, closely examining it.

"Do you need glasses or something?" Morgen asked in a weird voice earning a slight glare from Bella. "Ha ha, very funny, Morgen,"

"You two must be Isabella and Morgen swan. The new girls?" A short guy guessed as he walked up beside Bella. "Hi, I'm Eric. The eyes and the ears of this place." Eric introduced.

Bella nodded at him while Morgen walked behind them, grasping on one of the straps on her bookbag with a roll of her eyes,  she already didn't like 'Eric'.

"Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, a shoulder to cry on?" He smirked, keeping his eyes on Bella. Morgen walked in between them abruptly, "We're more, suffer in silence type of people." Eric's smirk dropped but still tried to keep his up-beat composure.

"Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper and you two are news. front page."

At those words, Bella looked at Eric with wide eyes, slightly panicked at the mention on being on a news paper. "No I'm not. Um, please don't have any sort of-"

"Woah, woah, just one feature?" Eric insisted. The youngest swan looked at Morgen for help. 

"No feature, don't ask again." Morgen glared at the boy. Bella sighed and silently thanked her with a nod of her head.

"Alright, no feature." Eric nervously chuckled under Morgen's heated glare. He put his hands up in surrender hoping that he wouldn't be death stared any longer.

"So you two are juniors?"

"I'm a junior, she's a senior." Bella said. She pointed to her sister who pushed past everyone in their way. Everyone was staring at them because they were new, and honestly Morgen found it quite annoying.

"We should get going to the office." Morgen insisted, slowing down to walk the same pace as her sister. Bella agreed and waved goodbye to Eric who waved as well.

"You saved me." Bella joked.

"His smile creeps me out." The older Swan said nonchalantly and shrugged as they walked towards the building to find the office.

short chapter, ik. my bad!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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