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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐍 never liked Arizona. She found it hard to like the place because of the hot humid days. Which was why she was all for it, moving to Forks to live with her dad. She was also a 'daddy's girl' so either way she didn't mind moving to Forks.

There were many reasons she wasn't a fan of her mom and stepdad. One reason is that her mom babied her younger sister; Isabella. Renee never left any time for Morgen and instead gave Isabella all the attention. And reasons not to like the stepdad; Phil, was because he tried to become (keyword: tried) like Morgen and Isabella's actual father; Charlie. Isabella didn't care for Charlie like Morgen did. Bella was a 'Mommy's girl' as Renee liked to call it.

It would've made sense if Morgen stayed with Charlie after the split between the two parents. But Renee, of course, insisted on taking Morgen with her.

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𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐍 stood against a van with her arms crossed while she looked at her mother and sister interacting

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𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐍 stood against a van with her arms crossed while she looked at her mother and sister interacting. Renee was afraid to let Bella go, only because she wasn't a social person. Isabella had an awkward personality. The only thing she gained from their father.

As Renee and Bella finished their conversation with a hug, Phil finished placing luggage in the vans trunk. He was an inpatient person at some points. "Renee, c'mon. I love you both but we got a plane to catch."

The older swan girl climbed into the car before anyone else approached the van. Morgen glanced at Bella as she climbed into the car as well. She tuned out the voices of the family as the machine pulled out of the driveway.

While the car moved Bella started to fall asleep to the low music that was playing on the radio.
Morgen watched as the trees and the desert passed by in a blur.

"Morgen, I want to talk to you." The sound of Renee's voice snapped the girl out of her daze. She forced her gaze away from the window and placed it on her mother who was looking at her.

"What about?"

"About Bella," She started. "Since you're the oldest and she is the youngest, I want you to look out for her while you're in Forks."

The older girl scoffed at her mom. "What? She's 17, suddenly she can't take care of herself?"

"Hey, watch your tone while you're talking to your mother, Morgen." Phil cut in as he watched her slightly through the rear view mirror.

"Bite me, Phil."

"Morgen Iris Swan! Watch it!" The mother yelled at her daughter. Bella stirred in her sleep
"As I was saying before, she is only 17. And you know she doesn't take insults lightly."

"Yeah, sure, whatever mom. I'll watch out for her."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The six hour flight went by fast. Maybe because the Swan sisters slept the whole time. Bella and Morgen pushed through the crowded airport looking for a tall pale man.

Soon enough the airport was less crowded than before, and made it easier to find Charlie through the little groups that people formed. Morgen stopped in her place, looking around for a familiar face.

The older girl looked at a sign that was held up high and spinning around in a circle. The board read 'Isabella and Morgen'. "Bella, you see that sign? The spinning one?"

Morgen pointed to the slow revolving sign. Bella looked to where she pointed and immediately nodded. "That's Charlie, I'm guessing?"

The older sister nodded her head in confirmation. "Why don't you go. I got your luggage. Just tell mom we landed safely."

With that, Bella looked at the sign that was still revolving and walked in that direction. Morgen grabbed Bella's suitcases and hung her duffel bag on her shoulder.

As the girl started walking through the crowds, she pushed people who pushed her. And possibly tripped a little kid. Her chest heaved a sigh as she finally made it to her father and sister. Morgen dropped all of the luggage and lunged for her father and took him in an embrace.

"Hi dad." she breathed. It had been months since she has seen her father.

"Hey Morgey, I've missed you." Bella furrowed her eyebrows at the name he called her but shrugged it off and rolled her eyes.

As they hugged, Bella grew impatient so she let out an obnoxious sign, but it didn't do much.

"Maybe we should get going, it's about to rain." 

"Yeah, Yeah. We should."  Charlie let go of Morgen and she did the same. The man folded up the sign.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Dedicated to EuphoricxLuvr

Authors note:
I have nothing to say 😔

𝐋𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐑 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 • 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now