Chapter 1 Wounded Lions Pride

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The young red and blue paladins walked cautiously through the main hallway of the deserted spaceship. They both had their bayards at the ready, Lance was carrying his blue rifle while Keith held his red sword with his right hand, as they inspected the so far empty rooms of the ship under an eerie silence that had not been broken since the beginning of their search. Some hours ago, a distress signal from the Dalterion Belt had reached the Caste of Lions, and since Pidge and Hunk were away in a recognizance mission it had fallen upon Lance, Keith and Shiro to answer. Once they had boarded the spaceship, Shiro had sent them to search for any survivors while he made his way to the main hub area to find any recordings that could let them know what had happened to the passengers.

Keith had protested to the idea of splitting up, but Shiro had convinced him that it was the best alternative. He could fend for himself and he trusted him and Lance to keep each other safe. Besides, the survivors would have better chances of being found alive if two parties were searching for them at the same time.

"Meet me up front after you are finished, let's hope we are not too late," Shiro said before disappearing behind a set of automatic doors.

"Will do," Keith replied.

"You can count on us," Lance shouted.

Lance and Keith had been inspecting their half of the ship for almost an hour now and there were still no clues to help them understand what had happened to the ship and its crew. They walked silently through yet another empty corridor and came upon a big set of doors that were labeled "CARGO" by holographic letters on top of them.

Keith tried opening the doors with the command panel that was placed next to them, but the screen just kept turning red and showing the word "ERROR" no matter what combination of buttons he tried.

"The doors must be jammed from the other side," Keith said as he placed himself in front of the doors and tried to push them open unsuccessfully.

"Hello?" Keith asked, "is anybody in there?"

The paladins waited, but there was no answer from behind the doors.

"This place is giving me the creeps" Lance said as he readied his rifle in case there was anything that needed to be shot behind the door.

"Let's see who is behind this barricade," Keith said as he brought his red sword up and slashed down at the doors. The razor-sharp edge cut through them with ease.

Keith pushed at the doors and they caved in revealing the cargo room that showed no signs of anyone being inside it. Him and Lance walked inside, but there was not much to be found. The room was much bigger than the previous ones they had inspected, but the only thing they could see were multiple broken crates from different sizes and supplies scattered around the floor.

"How can there be no one here?" Lance asked as he walked around searching in vain for any survivors.

"What?" Keith asked mockingly, "is it getting you scared?"

"Noooo way!" Lance answered right away trying to save face, "it's just not making any sense. The doors were barred from inside, so there should be someone in here."

Keith knew his companion was right, it did not make sense for this room to be empty. He walked around trying to find any clues or maybe even someone hiding inside one of the crates, but no one was in the room.

"There are no traces of blood, but there are signs of struggle," Keith explained as he continued to walk around the room and examined the walls and broken crates. "Someone fought here, the walls are dotted with missed blaster shots and there are no signs of the spaceship crashing, something or someone smashed those crates."

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