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Carter's pov:
I sit beside James' bed while holding his hand. He was still asleep because of the drugs they gave him during the surgery but the doctor said he should wake up any minute now.
Luke was asleep in the chair on the other side of the bed and Tammy was pretending to clean the other bed in the room while she was actually staring at James, thinking no one had noticed. Everyone had noticed
Jai and Daniel went home to get some clothes for everyone because I had to stay another day, James had to stay here for who-knows how long, Sam was still unconscious, and the others just stayed here all the time with us. We had practically moved in.
The O2L boys were coming today. They left yesterday night and were planning to be here about 1:00pm. It would be great to see everyone but these were the completely wrong circumstances for everyone to get together.
I felt James hand start to move in mine and I looked up at him. His eyes started to slightly open and with just that small movement I almost started to cry. I knew as soon as those eyes opened and he became aware of his surroundings, he would hate me.
"What's happening?" James croaked. I reached for the glass of water on the side table and handed it to him. Tammy walked over and lightly taped Luke's shoulder before leaving. He slowly woke up and looked over at the now-awake James. "Oh hey mate." Luke says while slightly smiling down at James. It was the first time I had seen Luke smile since we got in this situation. "What happened?" James asked again. I finally decided to speak up. "You got hit by a car James. You're in a hospital." I say. "How long have I been asleep?" "Well you were in surgery for 5 hours and you've been sleeping for almost a full day." Luke says before I manage to. "Where's Jai, Daniel and Beau?" I almost scream when he says that. Luke looks completely shocked and there are tears brimming his eyes. I quickly hit the red button to alert the nurses. "Yes what's wrong?" I nurse says as she speed walks into the room. "He doesn't remember. He thinks he's still alive. He doesn't know but he was there." I say quickly while starting to cry. "Who's not still alive?" James asks, getting nervous and restless in the hospital bed. "Oh dear. Okay, calm down and let me call the doctor." the nurse says as she hurries out of the room. "Carter what's wrong. Who's not alive?" James asks with a really worried look. All of the sudden Luke bursts into tears and runs out of the room. "Luke!" I call but he's already gone. I pop my head out of the room just in time to see Luke turning the corner at the end of the hall and Jai running after him. Daniel stands in the hall looking confused. I wave him over and stop him from entering the room when he got there. "Hey. What's wrong?" Daniel asked worriedly. "Okay, well James woke up and..." "James is awake!" he says excitedly and pushes past me to get into the room. I follow behind him. "Hey James glad to see your alive again." "Can somebody tell me what the fuck is going on? What's this about somebody dying? Why is Luke so upset? And where the hell are Jai and Beau?" As soon as James said Beaus name Daniels face became pale. He looked at me, then back at James. "How do you not remember?" Daniel whispers. "Remember what?" James asks in a much louder and angrier voice. Nobody answered but thankfully the doctor walked in. He walked over to James' bed and checked the chart that was on the wall. "Okay everybody. It appears that James is experiencing a small bit of memory loss. His brain had too many things going on so it took a few out. Probably the last week of his memory is gone. Did anything traumatic happen in that time. "I was kidnapped." I say. "We went to save her." Daniel adds in. "And our brother was shot and killed." I look behind me and Jai and Luke are standing in the doorway, Luke covering his face. "Www... what?" James asks, all the blood draining from his face. "When you and the guys came to save me, the man that kidnapped me shot Beau. He died almost immediately." James started to cry slightly so I went and sat next to him on the bed. "James, I'll bring in your wheelchair. You can leave as soon as you talk to the nurse at the front desk." the doctor said before leaving. "Wait, why do I need a wheelchair? And how did I get in the crash in the first place?" James asks while sniffling. I breathe in deeply, prepared to lose another one of my best friends all over again. "Well James, I got really mad at you and I blamed what happened to Beau on you. It obviously wasn't your fault but I was really mad. So then I yelled at you and we both went in opposite directions. You went outside and into traffic and a car hit you. You now need a wheelchair because you are permanently paralyzed from the hip down." I say, barely breathing because he's going to hate me now. "Can you all leave for just a second please?" James asks. "Of course." Daniel replies and grabs my arm to lead me out of the room. We all sit down in the hallway. We sit silently for a moment until a nurse comes and asks us if we are with the patient Sam Pottorff. "Yes we are" "A few other boys are here and he's awake." Okay thank you so much." We all stand up and head to Sams room. "Hey guys." Sam smiles as we walk in. The O2L boys turn around but before they say hi I sprint towards Sams bed and hug him. "I'm so sorry Sam" I cry into his shoulder. "Hey it's okay. It might not be if you break my stitches while you're hugging me though." he laughs. I pull away and sit on the edge of the bed.
"So guys." Kian starts "Hows's James?"

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