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James pov:
"BEAU!!!!!!!" Luke yelled as he fell to the ground. The emergency responders had just packed up the defibrillator and moved away from Beaus body. Someone had put a sheet over him and there was a small puddle of blood on it right where Beaus chest was. Luke and Jai were both crying. Daniel was just sitting there staring at the white sheet in disbelief. "Holy fuck." I croak out. Everyone looks at me and I look at them. "Beau." I whisper, hoping that he'll answer. But all there is is silence. I don't know what to do. I just look around and notice another group of medics around someone else. Carter. I remember now. I'm back in reality again and I walk over to her. I hear a bunch of stuff being yelled like "she's stable." and "get an IV set up!". I don't know what a lot of these things mean but all I see is her. Her face has blood on it and she's groaning in pain. I look to her left and see Sam. He's passed out and has a cup over his mouth helping him breathe. There's a lot of blood on his left shoulder. That's where he must of been shot. There's only one medic with him so I go over and sit beside him. "Is he a friend of yours?" the medic asked. "Ya." I manage to whisper. "He's going to be alright. They're just grabbing a stretcher" she says. "Thanks." "Was he your friend too?" "My best friend ya. We were in a band together." "Oh that's cool." "Ya it was." "I'm really sor..." she starts. "Don't say you're sorry. You couldn't have done anything. It's the bastard that shot him that should be burning in hell right now." I spoke with so much disgust that I surprised myself.
"Do me a favour." she says "Don't spend your life hating this guy. Forget about him. And hopefully someday you'll hit him with your car or something and the world will be balanced again but right now you need to be there for your friends and family and just remember the good times with your best friend." "You lost someone didn't you?" I ask. "Yeah. My boyfriend was shot in duty." "That's awful." "I know." she says. "Here..." she pulls out a slip of paper and scribbles something on it. "What's this?" I ask as she hands it to me. "My number. Just in case you want to talk." Before I can say anything a few medics come with a stretcher and put Sam on it. As they walk off the medic girl starts to go with them. "Wait" I call out "What's your name." "Tammy." "Okay Tammy. I'll call you sometime." "Sounds good." she responds then she walks to the ambulance. I turn around and see that they've got Carter on a stretcher too. "Sir, we can only have 1 other person in the ambulance with her." one of the medics says to me. "Oh okay." I walk over to the boys. Luke is still crying but Jai had stopped and is just staring at the sheet that covers Beau. "What do we tell are mum?" Jai says with a hoarse voice. I don't know what to say and clearly no one else does either. "Only one person can go in the ambulance with Carter. Someone else can go with Sam." I say after a few seconds. "I'll go with Sam." Daniel says. "Okay. Jai, Luke? Either one of you want to go or...?" "I'm staying with my brother." Luke says. He hadn't said anything up until now and his words almost make me break down into tears. "I'm staying with Luke." Jai says. "Okay." I say while placing my hand down on Jais shoulder "I'm so incredibly sorry Jai." He just nods. I walk off and climb into the ambulance with Carter in it. The one with Sam and Daniel has already left.
I sit on a little seat attached to wall that's beside Carter's stretcher. We sit for a while, just listening to the sirens on the ambulance. Then all of the sudden Carter opens her eyes. "James?" she whispers with a shaky voice. "Hey baby girl. Don't worry, I'm here." I said, leaning over and grabbing her hand. "What happened. All I remember is hearing gunshot. Was anybody hurt?!" I immediately thought of Beau. I couldn't tell her that, it would crush her and she'd blame herself. "Umm, ya. Sam was hit in the shoulder but he's alright. He's unconscious but the medic that I talked to said he would be okay." "This is all my fault. My best friend got shot because of me." "It is NOT your fault Carter. I was the one that sent you to get cereal and then... the call... and I didn't know if you were..." "Shh James. It isn't your fault." she says when she sees me getting choked up. "Everything's going to be oka..." and before she could finish her sentence, she drifted back to sleep. "Is she okay?!" I ask, getting worried. "Ya she's fine. Sleep heals and pain makes you tired so she'll probably be sleeping a lot." the medic tells me. "Does that count for mental pain too?"

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