2 | The Fall and The River

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It feels like an eternity of falling, but its only a few seconds before I hit the water.

my head spins

painful thoughts clouding my mind as my body falls in slow motion.

freezing snow and water

latch to my face

as I crash through the thin yet heavy layers of ice beneath me.

my body seizes

submerging deeper into icy depths

the body's natural instinct is to float to the surface

but all I can do is push against solid ice

trapped in yet another prison as my fists bash this frozen wall

my eyes widen

the adrenaline rushes as part of my mind thinks of this one truth

there is no coming back from this.

my voice screams

the sound muffled in the river water

air escapes my lungs and rejects the foreign

my mind drifts

memories of the past drowning


my head throbs

I can't even open my eyes

as if ice latches to my lids and freezes them in place

another impact on my skull

but somehow feels foreign

thoughts in my mind are like a barrage of bullets

and yet somehow outside from me


noise above the ice

can turn my head just slightly as I drift in the current

pry my eyes open to see

a light

not the moon but

moving somehow

another thud

my body winces and


my lungs have almost run out of oxygen

hands cover my mouth to hold

what's left


almost erratic


my hand moves to meet with the sound above

the beating gets harder

a voice

muffled but somehow so clear

can see the ice splintering

above where I drift

my lungs are empty

can't help but take in air


pain that should not be there

can't breathe





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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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