25. Threat To Kill?

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"A vampire hunter?" Clara surprisingly asked Emanuel. "Yes, A vampire hunter," he replied, "I am watching Amber being friends with vampires which is completely wrong, and thus she is opposing me and our principles. So in order to teach her a lesson, I must kill the vampire, which I don't know is her best friend or lover," he spoke.

"Okay, I will find a vampire hunter and send him there, but you must be careful about one thing," Clara spoke. "What?" Emanuel asked. "My granddaughter is a girl with very strong ideologies, so if you do anything wrong which opposes her thinking and belief, you must be prepared to face her wrath. That's the reason, I never came in between her and her werewolf best friend Lucas when she lived here. If I would have done anything which would have been wrong in her eyes, she would not have thought twice before repping me apart. Although I am her grandma. But you are just her suitor right now. Do not do anything which will make her hate you. Choose your next step very wisely. You can always teach her a lesson or tame her when she is your wife, my boy," Clara spoke.

Emanuel listened to Clara carefully and thought about her words. "Okay, I will take care of it, and do whatever I need to do very wisely. But I would still prefer having a vampire hunter by my side," he spoke. "Ok, I will arrange that for you," she replied and hung up the call.

Emanuel kept his phone aside and then looked out of the window.

Emanuel's POV

Amber my dear, I loved your fierce attitude, but I hated the fact that you were fierce to me. You know, you should be fierce to the entire world, but be vulnerable and modest in front of me, like an ideal wife.

Okay, I know you are not my wife yet, but the moment I told you that your grandma has chosen me as your suitor and future husband, you should have accepted your grandma's order immediately. You should have left that stupid human and stand beside me. You should have been a good granddaughter and followed your grandma's orders. You should always work according to her wishes.

The moment you got to know that I am your future husband, you should have submitted yourself to me and told me that you will always accept my orders. You would have fallen in love with me in an instant, but instead of doing that, you fought with me, argued with me and indirectly told me to fuck off. Well, I am not the one to give up so easily.

Amber Conell, you are bound to marry me. So you will have to leave your vampire and human friends and then come to me. If you do not do that on your own, I will force you to do that. I will either kill your friends or make them suffer.

But first of all, I will have to find out that who is your lover, that filthy vampire or that dumb human, because your lover is fated to die my love.

POV Ends

Emanuel thought about his evil plans while looking outside from the window.

The next day,

Amber quickly got ready for her classes and left her room. She stood in front of Brian's room and knocked on the door. Within a few seconds, Brian opened the door.

"Hey, good morning," she chirped. "Good morning love," Brian replied and gave a peck on her lips. She blushed after receiving the kiss. "Now shall we proceed to our classes?" She excitedly spoke. "Of course," Brian replied and both of them moved forward towards the department building.

As they were walking on the campus ground, they held each other's hands tightly. They didn't speak to each other but kept on smiling and glancing at each other.
That's when they spotted Daimen and Kate holding hands and walking towards them. Both of them looked happy.

"Hey Amber," Daimen greeted her best friend. "Hey Daimen, you are looking extremely happy right now," she looked at Kate as she spoke. "Well, I am. Or I can say we are," Daimen replied and kissed on Kate's hand. "Don't tell me, that you guys are," Amber jumped in excitement as she noticed Daimen kissing Kate's hand.
"Yes, we are in a relationship now, that too a serious one," Kate spoke. "And the credit for mending our relationship and making me fall in love with her goes to you, Amber," Daimen continued.

"Oh My God, I am so happy for you guys," Amber happily shared a hug with Kate and Daimen as she spoke. Brian too smiled as he looked at all three of them, happily congratulating each other. "Congratulations Kate, congratulations sir," Brian congratulated both of them. "Thank you," Daimen replied with a smile.

Kate noticed something different in Amber. She noticed her smiling and feeling happy like a kid, also she noticed a glow on her face. "Hey, Amber, what's with that glow?" She teased. "What glow?" Amber confusingly asked Kate. "I can see a positive change in you. You are glowing differently and then you are being happy and chirpy just like a kid. So what's the reason behind this?" Kate winked. "Kate, shut up," Amber glared at her. "Should I?" She teased. "Kate," Amber pouted and then hid her face in Brian's arms.

"She is so cute," Kate giggled. "Brian," Daimen called his name. "Yes sir?" Brian replied. "You got the best girl in the world," he spoke with a smile. "And I am so lucky to have her," Brian continued. Amber looked at Brian as Brian confessed. She just smiled and then both shared a soft little kiss, as Daimen and Kate looked at them in awe.

"Now three of you, go towards your class," Daimen ordered. "Yes professor," Amber rolled her eyes and the other three giggled and then they left for their classes.

Daimen then walked towards his staff room. He entered the staff room, picked up the books and moved towards the exit. As soon as he went closer to the door, he noticed that he couldn't step out of the room. It seemed like an invisible boundary wall blocked his way.

"What the hell," he cursed. "It's a boundary spell, man," a voice echoed from behind. Daimen turned around just to notice that Emanuel was standing behind him.

"Emanuel," he angrily glared at him. "Yes Daimen," Emanuel evilly smirked. "You know I can snap your head within a second?" Daimen glared at him. "I know you can, but you won't, because you are the good vampire," Emanuel mocked. "It won't take me a minute to turn into the bad one," Daimen roared as his eyes turned red and his fangs appeared.

"Ahhannn, I wouldn't do that mistake. You know, killing me can upset your girlfriend Amber to such an extent that she can kill you in return," Emanuel spoke. As soon as Daimen heard Anber's name. He calmed down. He helplessly looked at Emanuel.

"What do you want?" Emanuel asked. "Look, I want you to stay away from my future wife Amber. I know you both are in a relationship, so make sure to break up with her and go away from her as far as you can," Emanuel spoke. "But," Daimen was about to say something but soon interrupted by Emanuel.

"If you do not, then I will for sure kill you, your human friends Brian and Kate. After which I will tame Amber forcefully and make her mine," Emanuel spat which shocked Daimen to the core.

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