27. Consequences Of Love

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"What rubbish are you saying, Emanuel?" Clara snapped. "The truth Clara," he replied. "This is rubbish. You are not able to attract her that's why you are saying such stupid stuff about her. This is showing your inability to woo her and why isn't she attracted towards you," she mocked. "Don't you trust me?" He flipped. "Not more than my granddaughter. Emanuel," Clara replied.

"Woah! Great! I am here in this stupid university because you ordered me to come here. Tell Amber that you have chosen me as her suitor and make her fall in love with her. I am doing that as per your orders and now you are flipping onto me?" Emanuel argued.
"Yeah, Angela told me the path you took to woo Amber, by scaring her friends away and forcing yourself on her. This isn't some kind of joke or fiction, where you will go and force yourself on her and say that you are bound to fall in love with me and boom, she fell in love with you. This is reality, and for a strong girl like Amber, you have to give respect and efforts in order to gain respect and love," Clara angrily spoke.

"So this is my mistake now?" He snapped back. "Yes, it's yours. I never told you to play the bad guy. I told you to woo her that you should have done by putting in genuine efforts. Not this kind of stupidity. Now don't you dare to call me or else I myself will cancel your wedding with her," Clara yelled and hung up the call.

Emanuel threw his phone away in anger. "This old bitch. She is saying that she will cancel my wedding with her. Amber is mine and I will for sure make her mine. And when I do that, I will tame Amber and torment this Old bitch and her entire family. This is my promise," he confided angrily.

On the other side,

Amber was done with chanting spells, so she opened her eyes. She saw the others whose eyes were closed yet. She smiled and then poured the red liquid from the vessel into three different glasses.
"Guys, open your eyes," she spoke as she was done. The other three slowly opened their eyes and spotted a glass of liquid in front of them.

"Now drink this," she spoke, "this drink binds my blood with yours. So by drinking this, no one can kill you till I am alive. It doesn't matter I am present in front of you or I am one thousand miles away from you or anywhere in the globe. As far as I am alive, you guys are protected by me and will remain alive. Since all this fight is related to me, they will keep me alive no matter what," she concluded.

The other three sighed and then quietly drank the liquid from the vessel. As soon as they finished drinking, they fell unconscious.
"Oops, I forgot to tell you guys that you will remain unconscious for an hour after drinking it," she pouted.

Then her eyes fell on Brian, who was lying there unconscious. "I am doing this all to protect you, Brian," she spoke. "You have suffered a lot in your life and I honestly want to put an end to your suffering. But instead of that, we both fell for each other and I dragged you into this mess. I knew, being involved with a supernatural can always create troubles for the human, but still, we couldn't resist falling in love with each other," she caressed his hairs.

Amber's POV

Love, it's such a weird and complex emotion that can't be easily described. It can be simple and complex at the same time. It can make you the strongest person in the world and the most vulnerable, powerless person in this world at the same time. It can pull you higher than heaven in one moment and the next moment, it can drop you to the deepest darkest hell. It can make you feel the best emotions all at once and the other time, it can make you feel so terrible that you cannot even cry. It can make you laugh uncontrollably on one hand, while on the other, it can dry up your tears. A complex, unwanted yet simple and beautiful kind of emotion is this love. This love completes you, makes you whole.

You know Brian, for a moment, I feel like I am the happiest and luckiest girl in this world after falling in love with you. But at the same time, I curse myself that why did I fall in love with you when I had an idea about the consequences. Why did I surround you with danger when I claimed I love you? Protecting you is my responsibility, but to be honest, I am scared. I am scared that what if I fail? What if I am unable to protect you and end up losing you?  I am scared to the core, Brian. I am scared for your life, and I am feeling helpless.

I felt like this ritual can save you. This ritual can always protect you. But the fear of losing you that I felt before performing this ritual didn't go away. It's still lingering here and scaring me more. I am against my own family, for myself, my life, my happiness and you. But, they are veterans, they know what they want to do. They have devoted themselves to the coven and will do anything for its welfare. I do not know, how will they react when they will get to know that I am refraining myself from devoting to the coven. Will they understand the other motives? That I am doing this for my life and happiness, for my free will or will they just blame you and vent their anger on you. I am scared, Brian, I am completely scared.

But, when it's done, it's done. There is no going back. So I will protect you three till the very last drop of my blood.

POV Ends

After half an hour, Daimen slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Amber looking at Brian. He got up and went near Amber. "Amber," he whispered. Amber looked towards him. "I need to talk to you," he mumbled. Amber nodded and then they both walked out of the room.

Both of them walked out of the dormitory and started strolling around the campus.
"How long will they remain unconscious?" Daimen asked. "For another half an hour," Amber replied. "Oh," he spoke.

"Am I doing this right, Damien? Leaving my throne, my people, endangering the lives of you all, just for the sake of love?" Amber asked, after a pause. Daimen smiled. "So you are asking me? Someone who is more than 150 years old about his life experiences?" He asked. "Yes," Amber nodded.

"See, in love, there is nothing called right and wrong. It's just love and all the things you do for love. Yeah, that also doesn't means that you go on a killing spree, or become a criminal, or hurt many people and other shit. But whom are we saying? We aren't God. We are bound to make mistakes, we are bound to do things that we shouldn't have done, but that's what makes us what are we. Yes, our actions have reactions and karma is always there to punish us for our misdeeds, but who can control our mind? The emotions we feel? Yes, we do horrible things under the influence of our emotions, but sometimes these emotions, especially love, grief, pain, these are so strong, that it can easily make or break any being. It can always overpower someone over his or her entire life, these are such strong emotions. But we shouldn't feel bad about feeling these emotions, because we do not control what we feel when we feel. So trust me, Amber, it's okay, it's okay to love someone and change your ambition in life for that love. Life isn't all about ambitions and responsibilities, life is all about living it. So no, you are doing nothing wrong by deciding that you want to sacrifice the throne for love. It's just, you did something for the sake of love, which you felt is right. But yes, the negative aspect about doing something is that we should always be prepared for the consequences." Daimen poured his heart out, which may have answered all the questions of Amber.

"How do you know so much? And I had no idea you could think something so deep like this," Amber was surprised.
"Because Kate is not the first time I fell in love," Daimen confessed. "What?" Amber was surprised.

"Yes, there was this girl I loved unconditionally and we were happy, in love and together for almost two decades. But ten years ago, I lost her," Daimen confessed. Amber looked at his eyes, although he smiled, the pain he felt when he lost her was evident in his eyes.

"You know, I became like this, the big bad vampire, which I hated to be till the time I was with her. Losing her, impacted me in such a way that the pain and grief I felt, it made me do things that I never thought of doing. So yeah, I was dealing with grief, but then I met with Kate and then you. You guys slowly pulled me away from that grief and made me the person I was before when I lost her," Daimen spoke with a smile.

"Doesn't it hurts? Losing her?" Amber curiously asked. "It hurts, to be honest, and it will always hurt," he confessed, "but one thing gives me peace, that she is happy and at peace, wherever she is," he concluded.

Amber couldn't say anything, she just looked at him and smiled. Daimen returned that smile with a warm smile.

"Now let's go, they will be awake anytime soon," Daimen spoke, after a few minutes of complete silence. "Yes we should go," Amber replied.

Both of them entered the dormitory and walked straight to Amber's room where they spotted Kate and Brian, who were awake and searching for them. As soon as Amber and Daimen entered, a smile appeared on both of their faces and they stood up.

Amber ran into Brian's arms and hugged him tightly while Kate did the same with Daimen.

After seeing the person they love, they didn't care about the consequences of their love, they just cared about their love.

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