𝟐𝟔 | 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥

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One thing I didn't expect to happen on the way to my engagement party was to be followed. Especially by multiple sports cars that my father owns.

But I guess, that's what he meant by me paying for being such a disobedient daughter.

"He's so much of a pussy it's unbelievable, how is he hiring others to do his dirty work?" Andrés mutters as he swerves the car, the sound of tyres screeching becoming the loudest noise heard.

"I shoot, you get us the fuck out of here." I exhale, reaching for my gun that's always been stored in the glovebox just in case. My brother hums, signalling an agreement to my demand.

As Andrés presses his foot against the pedal, increasing our speed, I roll down the window. Without necessarily thinking, I stick my slightest bit of my head out alongside the gun and begin rapid fire at the multiple cars almost matching our speed.

Despite the efforts put in place by my father, his men are nothing except pathetic as five out of the six Audis retrace their tracks as I manage to shoot bullets directly through the window shield, ultimately scaring them off.

Except from a singular Audi.

Confusion fills me as I squint, trying my best to attempt to fix my gaze through the tinted window and figure out who's deciding to put up such a tough persona.

"Who the fuck is that?" Andrés shouts as he tries to speed our car up, yet all it does is fill my nostrils with the smell of smoke as my eyes glance down to our tyres, which are almost fully engulfed with smoke most likely due to the friction between us and the road.

"Stop the car!" I shove my head back inside, my worries shifting from the car following us to both me and my brother's safety.

That's one thing I've never imagined myself saying in my life.

"We have to get away, they're trying to kill you Anna." Andrés mumbles as he swerves the car, and the airbag pops out of the front of the car as we hit the trees on the side of the road, blackness taking over my vision as well as my consciousness.


The clock reads 00:32, and yet the Spanish princess is yet to make her appearance to such an unfortunate event - her engagement party.

Irritation overtakes my senses as I continue lurking within the shadows, my patience running thin each second she fails to arrive. One may think she's choosing to ignore the whole ordeal, however Adrianna isn't one to do such a thing.

From only knowing her for a couple of months, it's clear Adrianna is the person to deliberately attend such events to purposefully piss everyone there off.

Some could say that's her specialty.

"Who are you?" A man dressed in a suit that is way too big for his lanky figure speaks, his voice being projected way too high for my liking - but also one that I may even recognise.

"Lorenzo." I greet him, the confusion clearly expressed on his face as he takes in my simple word.

"No, I'm Lorenzo." The bastard's face scrunches up as he looks up at me in disgust, making me want to add a black eye to his boz-eyed self.

"No shit you fucking idiot." Mentally, I face palm myself as only then does understanding take over his features and Lorenzo hums, looking me up and down.

Keeping my disgust towards him down, I walk past him making sure to barge my shoulder into the side of his head.

Nothing will be able to wipe my memory from what Adrianna told me, the vile creature deserves his own spot in hell. And I'll make it damn sure I'll be the one to send him down there.

been a fat while, my bad.

this is way too short, but I wouldn't have liked it if I continued it the way I wanted.

next chapter will be up soon.


unedited !

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 | 𝟏𝟖+Where stories live. Discover now