August 1987

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Poppy Dursley is a curious little girl and she felt the need to explore. Her parents never understood but none the less let the small girl do as she pleased. Poppy's mission on this hot summer day was to explore the forbidden attic.

Her mum and dad had restricted any of the kids to enter the attic, especially her cousin Harry. She had tried to ask why as did Harry but they were shut down with the typical response. "No questions."

She watched out her window as her dad drove off to work and her mum was preoccupied with her little brother Dudley. She wasn't quite sure where Harry was but she figured it was a good time as any to swipe the key from her parents bedroom and make her way upstairs.

Poppy took a deep breath and shook off her nerves. She dreamt and daydreamed about what might be in the attic and why her parents forbid them from going up there.

As she placed the key in the keyhole and unlocked the door she slowly opened it and cringed as the door creaked. Once the door was open she paused and listened for the sound of her mother's footsteps. When she didn't hear anything she proceeded with her journey.

Once in she didn't see much, it was a small space, about the same size as her bedroom and there wasn't much to look at. She shined her flashlight, making sure to not shine it at the small window that overlooks the back garden. In the corner of the attic she found a large shaped object hidden under a tarp.

Her curiosity overcame her nerves as she slowly approached the object. She pulled the tarp off and found a beautiful old chest, it was Scarlett red and a lion emblem on the front and sides. She flipped open the locks and opened it.

She didn't find much, just a bunch of old books and photos. What was strange is that the book titles were out of the ordinary especially for the Dursleys.
Advanced potions
Care of magical creatures
Ancient Ruins
What she also found strange were the pictures. They were moving as if it were a tv, but they were just pictures.

She picked up the first stack and saw a beautiful woman with fiery red hair dressed in a black winter coat dancing with a man with unruly hair and glasses. The man kind of reminded her of Harry.
The next photo, was of four boys in black uniforms sporting red ties. They were smiling and waving. It was curious. She set the photos down and began exploring what else might be in the chest, but before her fingers reached inside the chest was slammed closed. Poppy jumped back in terror and looked up at her mum.

"What do you think you're doing?" Petunia Dursley demanded. "How did you get up here!"

Poppy opened her mouth the answer but her mother cut her off, "Never ever come up her again do you understand me? Go to your room!"

"But mum! What is all that stuff?"

"No questions young lady, you know the rules!" Her Mum yelled and quickly ushered the girl out.

Poppy ran to her room with tears in her eyes and one of the photos in her hand. The photo of the four young boys smiling and waving up at her.

She laid on her bed for what felt like hours. Her mum wouldn't let her out after she came in and had a talk with her and forbade her from speaking to Harry about what she found claiming it would upset him and then told her to forget all about what she saw.

There was a small knock on her door. She sniffled and turned towards it. Her younger cousin Harry had come up and brought her her dinner.

"Are you okay, Poppy?"

Poppy sat up and helped Harry up on her bed so they could eat together. She knew he didn't get fed well here and tended to sneak extra food for him.

"I'm okay," she smiled at the boy and handed him a hunk of her bread.



"Can I sleep in here tonight? I don't want to sleep with the spiders." Harry asked her timidly. She was the only one to show Harry any kindness in this household.
She couldn't understand why her parents despised him so much.

"Of course, I'll let you know when the coast is clear so we're not caught," she smiled. Harry nodded his thanks and they sat together in silence and finished Poppy's food.

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