"The Feline

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Hey everyone, hope you are having a nice day, I decided to make 2 chapters late. The second one I am working on now. Have fun reading! 😊👍

"How much longer until we get there?" Asked Helen yawning.
  "Not even close," Said Timothy
(Helens POV) You have got to be kidding me.
"Not even close" wasn't really the answer I was looking for..)
   "Oh great this guy is here." Whispered Timothy. "Why are you whispering this? And who is that?" Helen whispered back.
    "That's Tinys "Other" guard." "Aspen the hawk, he can hear your voice like stepping on wood."
"Soo..how we gonna get past him?" Asked Helen looking at Aspen. "I don't know." Aspen has a very good sense of hearing." Said Timothy thinking.
   (Helens POV) What could possibly get us around without waking Aspen up...?)
  (Timothy's POV) Hmm... We have to be extremely quiet, what if we crawled?" Hey Helen I think I have an idea, what if we crawled to the other side?" I guess that could work.." Said Helen squinting her eyes. Timothy than got on the ground and started crawling to the other side. "Come on Helen. Whispered Timothy. "Alight" Helen than got on her knees and started crawling up beside Timothy.
  The hawks feathers fluttered in the wind while Helen and Timothy crawled below.
  "We are almost at the end." Said Timothy listening closely for any movement Timothy might hear. Timothy than got to the other side.
"Come on Helen, hurry up! Whispered Timothy.
"Don't worry I'm coming.
Helen than crawled to the other side without a sound. "Alright let's get a move on to that "Felines" hide out." Timothy said and started walking.
  (10 minutes later)
"What is that?" Asked Helen.
  "Tinys hide out. A hole in the ground that leads down to a whole bar almost but not."
  "Who's going in first? Helen looked at Timothy with a raised eyebrow.
"You obviously, I don't want you to crush me if you accidentally land on me when we are in."  Helen turned to look at the hole and crouched down to have a look before sliding down.
  (Helens POV) It's so dark, I can't even see anything)
"I'm not gonna wait all day. Chuckled Timothy
"Alright I'm going, said Helen with a grouched face.  Helen than went down the hole.
  "I'm coming down!"
Timothy than slides down behind Helen!
   "AH!" Helen shouted sliding down until she landed with a great thump on a hard surface.
  Timothy landed behind Helen.
"Ouch. That hurt, said Timothy scratching his head, lifing his head up.
  Helen looked up and saw a what almost looked like a bar like Timothy said, a whole bunch of "cats" eating delightful food.
"Woah..." Said Helen in surprise.
  "This is-"
"Horrible I kno-"
  Timothy looked at Helen for a second.
Amazing?! Did you forget something helen?
"I know but it all looks so good! Said Helen licking her tongue.
  "When it won't be once we get ourselves killed so we need to find "Tiny" first.
"I see her she's by the bar tender. we have to be careful.
  (Tinys POV) Well didn't think Timothy would be coming here for me, and who's that little girl? She looks delicious..)
"Well hey Timothy, long time no see. Said Tiny licking her lips.
  "Shut up Tiny." Said Timothy angrily.
  "Hmph, what did you come here for anyway. Helen shivering beside Timothy decided to speak up.
   "We are here for the whistle that you took from him. Said Helen stepping forward confidently.
"The whistle? Jeez you all are babys, stupid peter pans best friend came for the whistle to find him."
    "Yeah so give it back!"
Shouted Helen.
"Alright, here you go...
Said Tiny taking the necklace with the whistle on it and putting it in her hand.
  (Helens POV) What is Tiny playing at, she can't just be giving it to me.)
  Helen reached out for the necklace but than Tiny snacked it back.
HaHa! You think i was just gonna give it to you? Chuckled Tiny. "Well your wrong, if you want the necklace so bad well you'll have to do a challenge." "What is the challenge?" Said Helen staring into Tinys bright green eyes.
    "The challenge is, is that you will have to beat me in a cat fight." Said tiny throwing the necklace up and down in her hand smiling.
  "So...what's it gonna be? Except the challenge, or walk away like a sore looser! Laughed Tiny.
   Helen stepped up but Timothy Interrupted her.
"She's too strong Helen, you won't be able to beat her. Helen turned to Timothy and than looked back at Tiny. "You better listen to your little friend "Helen."
"I will except the challenge.
"Timothy shocked when Helen excepted the challenge, he knew that she wasn't gonna win, but than he remembered that she had black magic.
   (Timothy's POV) She could possibly win with the dark magic, but will she be able to control it?)
"Well I wasn't expecting that. But I'm gonna win anyway so it doesn't really matter, clear the room! Said Tiny declaring all the others to back up.
   "Come at me." Tiny said cracking her knuckles.
Helen than stood there concentrating to try and release the black magic inside of her. "Well, scared are we? Fine, me first! Tiny charged at Helen and punched her in the face blood coming out of her mouth.
"Weren't quick enough. Said tiny finishing Helens sentence.
The crowd started cheering for Tiny as Timothy covered his mouth.
   "I'm not going to lose." Said Helen getting up wobbling.
  "Alright, this is your last warning...I  will break your bones and crush you this time so quit now or be prepared...
Helen than started concentrating again this time more focusing about her surroundings.
  Tiny than charged at Helen.
  Helen than released the black magic in her this time causing a black force of magic started going up through her veins.
  "AGH!" Tiny yelled in pain all the others watching is shock.
"Well what are you doing!! Help me! AGH!!
Helen than stopped the black magic once she was almost fully consumed by black magic.
  "Now you will leave and never come back, or I will consume the rest of you. Said helen not wanting to do what she said.
    "Fine....I'll leave, and here's your whistle.
Said tiny passing the whistle to Helen catching it.
      "Great Job Beating Me Kid..." And those were the last words Tiny said before walking away but than stopped.
   "Maybe we will meet again. Said Tiny than disappearing.

  Hey everyone! I finished his chapter 1167 words Is a BIG difference from 655. I also hope you liked this chapter, working on another one now! I would also like to tell everyone some people I would recommend for you to read there stories is elijahinparis and diaryoftheintrovert and SocialNerd8 And if you are liking the story follow me on my profile for more updates and new stories! And that's all!

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