Getting Out

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Helen waited for timothy  sitting in a tiny corner feeling less hope over the minutes. Timothy still in the dining room. How am i going to get past these trolls? Think timothy think! Wait, what about a distraction?  'Timothy looked around for something to throw'  A ball of yarn!  Yes! Timothy than slowly creeped to the ball of yarn. Almost got it!  Timothy got the ball of yarn and threw it. The trolls went to check out and timothy made a run for the basement door. "Whew that was close." Timothy than went down the rather unstable stairs and met himself at the cells.

"Timothy?" Helen said looking up to see timothy standing in front of her cell. "I'm going to get you out of here Helen. " Timothy looked down to see the key and picked it up and opened the cell.  "Come on hurry! Lets get out of here. Timothy than saw a back entrance and opened it leading Helen and Timothy outside. "Come on, they are going to probably going to notice your gone soon!" They both ran up and down the hills until they were far enough away from the trolls. "I'm exhausted." said Helen wobbling. "Lets take a seat on this log than." They both sat on the log in awkward silence. "So, what is next?" Helen asked looking at timothy. Timothy didn't answer for a couple seconds and took out the map. Helen leaned over to look. "Mary." 

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