A Whole New World

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Hey guys so I'm back to work on this story to finish it and hopefully finish it today!!

Helen and Timothy both get closer to the door of the shack and slowly open it as it breaks open, it was pitch black.

"U-uhm...Helen maybe we shouldn't-" before Timothy could speak anymore she drags Timothy into the pitch black with her as once they get through Helen looks up, it was snowing...

"Woah....where...are we, this can't be Agland..is this-" 

"Polaris...the last stop to get through before we get there to the Great Lakes." Timothy cuts Helen off as they both look at each other before Helen smiles.

"Which way Timothy." Helen asks as she points in multiple directions and Timothy looks at the map, they sure were in Polaris, it was cold, freezing cold.

"S-straight ahead!" Stuttered Timothy as his teeth chatter and he rubs the sides of his arms, his fur sticking up on one end. Helen started walking away into the snow slowly feeling cold herself but kept going, Timothy struggling to not get his feet stuck in the ground stays put causing Helen to turn around, pick Timothy up and wrap him in her scarf before she started walking straight ahead again through the snow.

They both kept going straight ahead before meeting a huge snow pile they'd have to get across and Helen sighs causing a ray of steam to come from her mouth before she started climbing, Timothy on her back while she climbs up the snow pile. Stopping every now and than to catch her breath. She pants as she keeps climbing up, and up, and up.

"H-how much higher Timothy!" Helen asks turning her head a bit to look at Timothy. As Timothy looks up getting snow in his fur from the wind.

"Only a bit higher, w-were almost t-there!" Says Timothy his teeth chattering as he climbs back into Helens scarf and Helen keeps climbing, eventually getting to the top. She stands up and looks around seeing a glowing door at least 40 feet away in front of her as Helen says.

"Look Timothy! The door!" Timothy's head shot up from her scarf.

"T-thats must be it! T-thats m-must be where the Great Lakes is! H-hurry! My feet and fur are freezing!" Timothy exclaimed as he curled back into Helens scarf as Helen slides down the pile and starts running towards the door, the wind was heavy pushing her back a bit but she kept running. Her eyes squinting as she finally gets to the door takes hold of the handle opens it and jumps inside closing the door behind her. She's greeted by a majestic garden and beautiful forest with a large lake and waterfall.

"We...did it.." Timothy and Helen say at the same time and Helen smiles brightly, but stops seeing a woman with long hair, long brown hair with her back turned to Helen near the giant waterfall and lake stream and Helen and Timothy look at each other before Helen starts walking towards the woman.

"Hello...? Who are you.." Helen asks as the woman's head perks up and she slowly turns around, her mother...was....right there. Timothy's jaw drops almost finding it unbelievable.

"Helen...my daughter...is...that you...?" She asks as she looks at Helen with her big green eyes and helen stares back her eyes filling with tears of happiness and she quickly runs towards her mother and hugs her tightly.

"I missed you so much!" Helen says tears running down her face and her mother just hugs her back tightly planting a kiss on her forehead. But Helens eyes widen. Shed totally forgotten about the other animals! And who she said she'd come back for!

"W-wait! I need to go back for-!" 

"The animals...and the people...?" Her mother smiles and steps out of the way revealing everyone she's meant throughout her journey, the fairy she meant who instructed her to the Great Lakes- Everyone! Helens eyes widen and she smiles happily as the tears flow down her cheeks and she says one last thing before they were about to leave.

"Guys....thank you...for showing me the way..." She says to them as they all smile and nod before they disappear and she wipes the tears from her eyes, and hugs her mom.

"Oh...I almost forgot.." her mother says and someone pokes Helens shoulder causing both Timothy and Helen to jump. It was Helens grandmother she left behind before..and Helen just quickly hugs her, her mother joins the group hug as Timothy hugs also with his tiny arms and everyone chuckles, finally being able to live happily, together, and without a doubt...

Timothy got his peanuts...

Hey guys you've finished this story and I can't believe I've finished it today! April, 16, 2024! Ty all who've supported me and gave me the energy I needed to update this! And finally finish it! And thank you for reading! ❤️

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