Chapter 1

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New Note from 2019 me:

I actually wrote this fanfiction back in 2009—10 years ago!--when I was still an unusual little thirteen or fourteen year old girl with a new found appreciation for superheroes. I had especially liked the Batman since watching the new animated one in Cartoon Network.

I've always been into Teen Titans ever since I saw the sneak preview and that was when I was in Grade School and thought that Raven's name was Cat because she looked it.

There may be a lot of errors, typos and grammar stuff because I did write this a long time ago and I just felt like setting the record straight. I don't think I'll be revising this anytime soon. I do want to add the correction that Robin is 19 here. I'd said something about him being 4 or 5 years younger than Batgirl before and I decided to give an actual age now. Although I'm not sure if I mentioned an age before in any of the following chapters, just go with the he's 19 bit. I honestly don't think it's a good move to make him any younger than that now in this story, but to be fair I was 13 when I wrote this so I didn't know about the age stuff.

Lastly, I'm just revisiting and this isn't really an update. The thing is I had already finished it (insert small sweat drop here). Some people who read it thought it wasn't, but at this point, there's really nothing I could do to it anymore. But I am really grateful to all those who did even after all these years I'd still get the occasional notification. :D Thank you all!

So there you have it. This was my first Batman fic (first serious fic and most memorable one for me). To new readers, hope you like it anyway!

--Back to the original Note below---

Note: this is my first Batman fic! Hope it doesn't suck or anything like that.

This is also a crossover with Teen Titans

Disclaimer: I do not own Batman the animated series, Batman, Teen Titans, etc


"Yeah?" Barbara Gordon answered the phone. Whoever the caller was seemed to have hesitated, there was a brief silence- but she could tell there was someone, since she heard soft breathing- and then a voice.

"Babs? It's me."

She felt a sudden shocking wave run through her. Her throat went dry. Her hands shivered as she tried to keep hold of the phone. She took a deep breath.


She heard a small sigh of relief from the other end.

"Hey...uh, hi, this is uhm..."

"I know..." she felt her face getting warm and her eyes blurring. "Y-you just decided to call now?" she said, her voice came out weird as she was trying not to cry, but she tried to make it sound like she was teasing him for neglecting to call.

" was risky; I can't let them hear me talking through the phone to anyone..."

"Then why..."

"I'm back." He said simply. It seemed so straightforward. One simple phrase. She had no idea how to react. "Back?"

"I'm back in Gotham,"

She felt something stuck in her throat. Her heart raced. She blinked a couple of times. although she was alone. she fought down a smile.

"I'm coming." She said.

It was quiet in the Titan tower. Even though Cyborg and Beastboy were watching some movie in the giant T.V., it still felt pretty quiet. Each wore bored expressions on their faces. Raven was by the kitchen, floating, meditating, and muttering. But there was sadness in her chanting. The room echoed the eerie silence, it was as if the T.V. was muted, and every other sound with it. Starfire was in her room, curled up on her bead. Her eyes wide open. She wore a blank expression on her face. Her lips moved slowly, a small movement...a small call. "...Robin..." her voice was a whisper of longing, and confusion.

Outside, the sun beamed upon the Titan Tower with small rays of light...and then concealed by clouds.

It started to rain.

Beastboy looked sadly at the window. The tower felt empty.

"What's happening?" Beastboy whispered, as if he didn't already know.

Cyborg looked at Raven, who only stared back. What was expected of them? They can't stop Robin from leaving. He has his own free will. Even if they were his friends. Whatever reason he had for leaving, well...he doesn't have to explain. They can't but in. But they wanted to know anyway. And they felt bad. Like they should know something, but they don't have the right to ask.

And now Starfire spends her time locked up in her room. And none of them felt like doing anything at all. The city, on the other hand, was doing great, it seemed. Robin had left Jump city at a good time. all the villains seemed to have tired out for some reason, and everything was normal...

That was part of his exit speech...

Cyborg stood up from the couch and turned of the T.V.

"I can't sit here doing nothing. And I certainly can't lose a friend without knowing why."

"But you heard what Robin said, it's not like we're not his friends anymore, he's just going back...I mean he has a point there, it's been a while...maybe he just misses his family?" Beastboy said.

"Suddenly out of no where he decides now is the perfect time for a reunion?" Raven said, straightforwardly.

"Well, I don't have the answers either, Raven, it was only a guess!" Beastboy said, hands on hips, glaring at Raven.

Cyborg crossed his arms. "Well, it was really stupid to leave Starfire like that."

"But, you saw what was happening, it's over!" Beastboy said waving his arms around dramatically. "Maybe, you know, Robin got tired of living like this-"

"Like what?" Cyborg interrupted.

"I don't know I mean...we all saw how things were getting. How much can a guy take?"

Raven landed on the ground. "Beastboy has a point there."

Both Cyborg and Beastboy looked at her with shocked faces. She actually agreed with him?

"We should do something, as much as I like the silence, there's something annoying about it, and it's pointless to ask about all this when none of us has the answer."

"Well, what do you suggest we do now?" Beastboy said. Raven was straight faced, she didn't answer. Beastboy looked at Cyborg.

"Robin didn't leave the T communicator, he said we can call him incase of an emergency, but he doubted we would, since the world's crawling with backup, he figured he'd be the last we'd call." Cyborg said.

"What's your point?"

"My point is..." Cyborg opened his arm computer. "We can track him down. And finally get our answers; I can't believe I haven't thought of this sooner!"

Barbara hesitated. She was standing in front of the big door, all she had to do was knock, and Alfred would come, opening the door, and she'd walk in, and there he'd be...

But somehow she didn't have the guts. What would she do? what would he say? how would he look? Did he change? Did she change?

So many questions.

The door opened on its own. She jumped backwards in surprise.

"Oh, there you are, I was beginning to think you-"

Everything was a blur, one moment she was standing, staring stupidly at him, now she was in his arms. She just jumped up and hugged him suddenly, without knowing what she was doing. She felt like it was reckless but it didn't seem to matter at the moment. She could tell he was shocked, but he fell at ease later on and hugged her back. She felt something warm rushing up her face, and her eyes ready to give in.

"I-I ...missed you..." she said, through tears.

He bit his lip, sighed and made a small smile.

"yeah...I...missed you too..."

And at that note, that ends chapter one. :)

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