Chapter 2

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Note: This is chapter two

Disclaimer: I do not own Batman the animated series, Batman, Teen Titans, etc

"So Dick, what made you suddenly come out of your hiding place and come here all of a sudden?" Barbara asked, while she sat crossed leg at one of the living room's armchairs, they sat across each other, by the fire place. Dick was staring out in space.


She sighed. She lifted up her cup and sipped her tea. His silence didn't really bother her anymore at this point; actually it gave her time to look at him, without hesitation. He was sitting with one leg over his knee, his elbow rested on that leg, and his chin on his hand. He stared blankly at the dancing fire. Barbara let the cup remain touching her lips, but didn't bother to tilt it up. He's so different. She kept repeating in her mind every once in a while after a once over…and another, and another…

His hair was perfectly in place, it seemed. It probably took him hours to fix it that way, it was still the jet black hair that she used to catch Alfred trying to comb, but it was spiked a bit…perfectly. His eyes were the same, but it seemed as if the childishness in it was fading away…

I wonder what really changed…

He grew, he was already about an inch or so taller than she was, and that surprised her, considering their age gap. His body was…

"Careful, your eyes might fall off." Came his voice, deeper, softer, but it still had that playful tone that was so sure, so familiar.

Barbara blinked a couple of times. she looked away quickly as she felt her eyes lock with his.

He sat back, one arm rested on the armchair's hands, letting his cheek hide in his hands. He had on what could only be a smirk. For a moment she felt as if he didn't grow at all.

"Don't be so sure of yourself…" she muttered, trying to conceal an amused smile.

He made a small chuckle; it made her heart leap a couple of times.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing…It's just…it's been a while."

"Whoaaaaaaa…" Beastboy said, eyes widened. He and the other Titans stared up at the gates that lead to Wayne Manor. (-or Mansion-). Cyborg stared at his hand computer. "I don't understand…I mean, I know Robin lives in Gotham…but what would he be doing in the house of the richest man around?"

"Maybe he and the Batdude are on Bodyguard duty. Y'know, big bucks means big trouble." Said Beastboy.

Cyborg stared at the beeping red dot that was Robin's communicator. "Well, whatever he's doing here, we're going to find out…but let's be discreet about this…we don't want the police to get the wrong idea."

"Whoa, man, are you sure? I mean, isn't that too much trouble, breaking into some rich guy's house? I mean, usually we catch dudes who do this, not the other way around!"

"Relax Bb! We're not going to try to steal anything…right?"

"Of course, but when you said track Robin down and get some answers..wel, this wasn't how I imagined it."

"Well, I' guess it's pointless to talk any further, we're already here" Raven said activating her powers.

"Should I fly in?" Starfire asked quietly, her face was still blank. Somehow they have managed to convince her to get out of her room and join them on their quest. But she wasn't any different. The other three looked at her with worried expressions.

"Sure Star. Ray, can you give me a lift?" Cyborg said. Raven made a dark hand come out of no where and it lifted Cyborg, at the same time Beastboy turned into a green eagle, while star floated over the gates.

"So how does it feel? Being a leader?"

"It's okay, but it's kind of a lot of pressure, since you're supposed to always be the serious one." Dick said slightly exasperated.

Barbara laughed. "You? Serious? I find that hard to believe?"

"Believe it, sister!" he said, that childish voice lingering around again. it made Barbara smile with, she felt an odd sense of longing.

"How 'bout you? Still chasing the same old villains?" he said.

"You're a one to talk, I've heard about your little Slade craze."

"Hey, how'd you know that?"

"Let's just say a good source-"

"Alfred. And Bruce's been keeping an eye on me hasn't he?"

"Well, he stays tuned into to Jump city news…and gossip."

"Oh, well…I can handle my own enemies."

"At least he didn't actually butt in."

"And you?"

"Me what?"

"What did you...uh I mean, when you heard…?"

"Heard what?"

Dick felt awkward, what was he going on about? He shook his head a little, and then tried to win back the conversation. Trying to ignore the look on her face, and her face mainly.

"About the Sla- it never occurred to you to try to visit me?" that did it! an excellent question. He has her now, cornered, with that question!

"W-what?" she tried to fight of an amused smile and tried not to let the blood rush up her face.

"I mean…Jump City; it's not that far…"

"Well…I didn't think you'd want me around." she said. it was true, she had been thinking about visiting him, or calling him, or contacting him, for ages....but she was too embarrassed to try. I mean he left for a reason! Maybe to get away from here? here…the Bat family…me? And no matter how she tries to convince herself to try to contact him, she would always end up frustrated and not knowing what to do.

"Why would you think that?"

"Well…" go on say it, that thing that's been bothering you for a while now, let it out! now or never! "maybe you'd want to spend more time with your girlfriend instead of having to fuss over me."

Dick felt as if his systems suddenly stopped. His eyes were widened. His face went red.

"Where'd that come from all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, news travels fast, now spill, who is she?!" wait, that sounded too demanding.

Dick opened his mouth to try to make a smart comeback, but stopped when Alfred tapped his shoulder. He turned his head to look up at the butler. He had on a straight face, the kind he always has on, the I-couldn't-really-care-less, or I've- seen-weirder kind.

"There is…er, a small group of teenagers, superheroes, I presume, that are…er, trying to break into the house, shall I activate the security sys-"

"No, I'll handle them."

Alfred raised an eyebrow. "Friends of yours?"


"Well, then, tell them the doorbell, would be a much better idea next time."

"Sure, I'll give them the memo."

He stood up. And made his way out of the living room. , Barbara did the same, standing up and following him.

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