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When Izuku made it towards Player Waiting Room 2 and then opened the door.

"Man, I lost… "

Izuku heard that as he saw Ochako giving him a one thousand watt smile as she sat down with a new P.E. uniform wrapped up for her.

"I got carried away at the end thinking I could win, dang it." Ochako said with a happy tone as she rubbed the back of her head.

"Ochako, what about your injuries? Are you okay?" Izuku didn't think she would seem… so happy. What was going on here?

"Yeah, Recovery Girl took care of me! It was only moderate healing so it wouldn't drain my stamina, so I've still got scratches and stuff, though. Man, but that Bakugo was really strong! He totally got me! I was so close, too! I need to work harder!" Ochako cried out in a frustrated tone as she raised her fist up, annoyed about her defeat.

Izuku looked at her with a neutral gaze.

"Are… Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine! Better than expected!" Ochako's phone began vibrating. The called ID read, 'Daddy.'

She pushed the phone towards her chest, "I mean, you immediately started looking ahead, Izuku and just because I lost, that doesn't mean you can lose! You better do your best! Don't worry about me, go focus on your own matches!"

"Are you sure? There are still five more matches left in the first round. So I have time to keep you company if you want."

"NO! I'm fine! Go and join the others. I'll be there in a minute, okay?" Ochako reassured him.

Izuku gave her a soft smile as he walked to the door, "Okay, if you say so. Take your time, Ochako" He then closed the door behind him.

As soon as Izuku was gone, Ochako pulled out her phone and dialed her father's phone number. It rang a few times before he picked up.

"Sorry about not picking up earlier, Daddy."

"It's fine! Sorry for calling when you were busy. Your mom and I watched you on TV. You were so close! But you were amazing!"

"It wasn't that close. And I wasn't amazing. I rushed too much in the end, too. I didn't have a plan for what to do after that, either. I was completely beaten." Ochako replied with a low and sad tone. Her eyes looking down the entire time.

"Is that so? I don't understand how all of this works and all, it's a little complicated to me, but just because you lost, that doesn't mean your path has been closed off, right? There's always next year, right?"

"The further you advance, the more you can show how well you do against different types. The scouts can't tell with just one match." Ochako began choking on her words.

"What are you in such a hurry for?"

"I mean… I want to hurry and help you guys… " Ochako's eyes began to leak tears.

"Ochako, it's fine even if you don't rush. You feeling that way shows you're kind, so I know you'll be a Hero."

Ochako sobbed as her tears dripped on the table next to her new P.E. uniform. Her father was too kind. She failed but he still encouraged her.

"T-Thank you, Daddy! I won't give up no matter what. I will become a Hero and I will help you as soon as possible!"

"That's my girl. I'll leave you alone for now. Your mom and I are going to keep on watching the Festival. So go and join your friends. Call us when you get home."

Izuku The Fusion HeroWhere stories live. Discover now