Chapter nine

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Standing at the door of the audotorium the team was quiet and waiting, Celeste was standing beside Dave and looking at Aaron that was pacing a few feet from them. Celeste slowly walked up to him and stood in front of him, Aaron stopped and looked at her. Giving his signature little smile.

"I love you" she said as she took a step closer to him, Celeste gently put her hand flat on his chest. Aaron instantly closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, opening his eyes he looked down and reached for her stomach with both hands and put his palm flat on her little swollen stomach.

"Everything is fine, it's just a stupid presentation we do these all the time" she let out in a calm low tone, Aaron gave her a little nod. Celeste watched as Aaron let out a deep breath again. the door open and a tight bun, skirt suit combo, high heels brunnette walked out, she smiled at the team.

"were ready" she let out with a happy tone, Celeste took a step away from Aaron, and everyone started moving towards the door.

Walking in the Audotorium, the team got on the stage and Celeste looked at the titled page that was on the wall behind them "Behavioral analysis unit". Letting out a deep breath as she turned around and looked at the crowd.

"Jesus" Celeste whispered, Dave let out a chuckle he passed her. Celeste looked at Aaron who was standing at the middle podium, he gave her a little nod. Celeste turned around and looked at the crowd again and took a few steps towards the middle of the stage.

"I am Supervisory Special Agent Celeste Hotchner, I work with the Behavioral analysis Unit, BAU for short. For anybody that doesn't know what we do at the BAU, we find killers. at the BAU you are trained to read people, we train to know with a certain behaviour what a person is more prone to do next. We find what made them snap to pretty much think like them..." Celeste looked at the faces in the crowd that were listening to her like she was holding candy.

"Today were going to talk about one of our toughest case we ever worked on...Who here has heard of the Boston Reaper" Celeste watched as some hands went up.

"For the people that hasnt heard of this case...get comfortable and if you have a weak stomach well this is defenatly not the field for you" she let out making some in the room let out chuckle, Celeste walked to the side of the stage where there was a wooden desk and a steel bar stool, taking a seat on the stool she watched as the team took over.

Celeste watched as Aaron took the lead, he started talking about when the first time they got called in for the Reaper case back in 1998, and how Foyet stopped killing after he made a deal with the ditective on the case, making the ditective send the BAU away. to the present day when that same detective passed away and that the reaper contacted Hotch to make the same deal, and how Hotch refused. The team took turned telling parts, all the way to Hotch talking about how Foyet stabbed him, to Hailey and Jack going into WITSEC, to Foyet killing Hailey and Hotch killing Foyet.

After a few questions from the recruits and the team answering them, the professor dismissed the room. Celeste got off the stool and joined the team, standing next to JJ who gave her a smile.

"Thank you so much Agents for doing this" the lady said as she smiled at all of them before walking away.

"Well I'm happy that's done" Morgan let out, everyone let out a hum in agreement. Celeste looked at Hotch who was looking down at the floor.

"Good job Celeste introducing the case" Rossi said as they all looked at her, Celeste gave them a smile.

"Just doing my job, you guys did amazing" she let out. The team was interupted by someone clearing their throat, everyone turned and looked at the young girl that was standing in front of them. her raven black hair up in a tight bun and wearing the standard Academy blue shirt with beige cargo pants.

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