• Why? •

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Changbins pov:

Why?! Just why?! I don't want to work with him. I just went to my seat and looked over at Chan. What's he smiling about? Fucking weirdo.

It was know around 8. Time to go home, finally. I packed my things and left the building. I got home showered, brushed my teeth and changed. I laid in bed already wanting to throw up about what was going to happen tomorrow. I hope it was all just false and Mr. Lee is just lying. Everything will just be a simple a little joke right?


Wrong. I'm now in Mr. Lee's office next to Chan getting paper work for our project. How I wished I wasn't here, I hate this so much.

"Any questions?" Mr. Lee asked after giving us everything we need and explaining everything.

"Yes, do I really have to work with this well um annoying of guy on a project that takes months and that I can clearly do by myself? He isn't going to help me at all, he's too stupid for this!"

"Mr. Seo, please watch your language. This is the second time you've spoken to me like this. I don't think you'll like to get fired hm?"

"Yes Mr. Lee I'm sorry, but seriously can't I work alone?"

"You do realize Mr. Bang is still in the room with us Mr. Seo."

"Yeah and I don't care."

"Yeah, well I don't care about you either. Mr. Lee please I can't work with this good for nothing!"  Chan said.

"Me?! A good for nothing?! Look at you!"

And with that a whole argument broke down.

"Mr. Seo and Mr. Bang, that's enough. Y'all either stop arguing and work together or you both get fired right here on the spot!"

My eyes widen in shock. He wouldn't. He can't fire me. Can he? I'm his best worker he can't just fire me over a stupid argument.

"Fine, I'll work with Mr. Bang."

"And you Mr. Bang?"

"I'll work with him too."

"Perfect, off you go now."

Me and Chan exited his office and entered ours. Once we sat down Chan turned to look at me.

"Look Changbin, I understand you don't want to work together and that's fine. I'll leave you alone the whole project and I'll pretend to be working with you only when Mr. Lee comes in. I'll do my part of the project unless you want to the wh-"

"Oh so now you're going to make me do all the work? I knew you wouldn't even be able to do something as simple as this. Fine leave the whole thing to me. You useless bitch."

"That's not what I meant though Changbin.."


Chan just nodded and left the office.

Chan's pov:

I ran to the restroom and went into a stall. Was I really annoying and useless? It hurts, my own crush calling me useless, a bitch, annoying and stupid. Why Changbin?

I cried for a few minutes till I heard someone walk in. I walked out and left quickly. I stopped by the lunch area to get me a water. I then walked back to "my" office.

When I entered I just saw Changbin working on the project. I sat in my seat and open the folder Mr. Lee had given me. I pulled out some papers and logged into my computer. I noted down what I thought were the important parts on the computer and papers. The whole time it was silent till Changbin yelled.

Changbin's pov:

I look over to see Chan working. I didn't care but he was doing it all wrong.

"What the fuck Chan?! You are doing everything wrong! Are you that stupid? You can't even do simple papers!?"

He looked up at me with fear in his eyes and tears? Why would he fucking be crying?

"I'm sorry Changbin, I'll redo all of it if you wa-"


He just nodded and looked away. I saw a few tears roll down his face.

Fuck. I didn't mean to yell at him like that.

"Chan are you ok-"

"I promise to not mess up again Changbin, I'm sorry for being a useless partner."

Fuck. What have I done? The person who's always arguing back with me is all the sudden crying in front of me and apologizing to me.

Before I could even say something else he left. Computer still on and papers all scattered.

I decided to clean up his work place as in apology from me. As I picked up the papers I noticed how some papers had his name written with hearts and little drawings. Cute. Who knew someone like him would do that. I finished gathering everything for him and got a sticky note and wrote something to help him.

"You're supposed to look for how everything will be combined btw :)
- Bin"

I then placed the small piece of paper onto his monitor and went back to work.

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